the feeling of me the
feeling of knowing me of knowing what
of knwoing what i reallyam that
i get to choose evvery moment
that i gt to choose what i prefer
and then it is
thank you because i know i get to choose life
causes me to ask and then i choose
i’m here
saying thank you for everyting because i
everything is going my way
everything goes my way
i’m here saying thank you for the flow unfolding
i’m here saying thank you fort
the god self for totl fu
total fulfillemtn
for the flow for the blessing of the flow
waht do i prefer
to feel secure
to know its was just a miss
what do i prefer
juicy wet kisses
full face kisses
and then when i ask its given
and i know that and i celebrate it
i celebrate loe i celebrate life
i celer
ccelebrate the bliss fo life
i celebrate om shri
i celebbrating
knowing i know the correlation with
the feeling i nkow i get to to feel good i celebate
celebrate feelingg ood
i feel the feeling slipping through me
i feel the feeling being me i feel myself
changed i feel myself changed i feel myself
more full more happier
sure in my life i feel myself more secure
i feel more knwoing i feel more knwoing
i feel more knwoign i feel more secure
here and now i feel
more secure in this here and now
i feel the feeling and then it is is
i feel the feeling and then it is
i love that i get to decide it
i love
that it alreayd is i love that it already is
i love that
i get to choose knwoing i love
that i get to release the feeling of longing
searching striving and wondering
bringing my entire focus
bacck to cnete r
center back to knowing my entire focus
back to knowing my
entire focus back to knowing
the feeling is here the feeling is here
the fele
the feeling is certaint the feeling is
shored up the feelng is
is shored p the feelin
the feeling is here and now
i feel good i feel the
flow flowing through me i feel the god self
i feel the feeling of om shri
i feel it it i feel it
i feel the god self the ccer
certain self the feeling self
the god is lavish
unfailing abundance
selff the feeling self i
feel the feeling self the knowing self the
celebration self
i feel the joyous self i feel the joyouse self
i feel the joyouse self
the joyous self
i’m here doing the work enjoying life
i get to enjoy life i get to choose how i want to feel
i get to choose
to have fun i get to choose to
be in joy in myself i get to choose life i
get to choose life i get to choose the
flow of life flowin throughme
flow of life flowing through me i get to feel
i get to feel it i get to feel it i get
to feel it i get to feel it i get to feel it
i’m here doing the work at my owen
own pace i’m here feelig the feeling
feeling the poee o
of the focus and i dont have to rush
to do anything for anyone els
i dont have to do anything for any
i’m here remembering who and wha i am
here feeling the ceertainty of me
what do i know i know that all of life
reflects the way i feel
i know that all of life reflects the way i feel
i can aask myself how i want to feel int he
situation and then it is i
get to choose to feel good
i get to choose the feeling first i get to create my life
i’m hre
remembering the source of me that i’m source and
the supply i’m here
i’m here focusing within doing
the work the tui
tning fork
work the feeling good work i’m here feeling good ‘m
i’m here feeling good i’m here feeling
i’m here i’m here turnig the focus to how i want to feel
to feeling free
i feel free i feel
i love that i dont have to think about anything
i know that i dont have to think aboutanyt
anything i come hre to remember
i come here to celebrate the feeling of me
to ride the wave
so grateful to ride the wave to get to feel good
to get to celebrate feeling good
i’m hre
here releasing all of it
celebrating all of it
the contrast that helps me focus
that get
gives me something to wor the magick on
a way to work the magick and the magick
is always in everything i know that h
the feeling is in everything
how i can
can i deciee to feel good about it
i bless the time and sapce
to myself i bless the time and space
to myself
i revise i say i love you
i releax i allow i say yes to eveerything that happesn
i say yes to the flow i do this work the o
the only work i keep feeling good i g
get to keep feeling good i
i allo the good feelings to flow i allow
myself to have fun
release release and go to bed feeling good
enjoyig th
the high enjoying thre rig
the ride i get to cnotineu
to enjoy what tod
do i want whay do
why do i keep looking athat trying to crate that
whats teh real prpble
i want to go to e
bed feeling good
look for ways to feel good what
the fuck why
make something up
why looking for problmes
why looking for problmes
i can let that go too i can
let that go too its not real
nothing is real
looking for problems
making something pu why
why make something up am
why am i mad why