thank you for the feeling of connection

thank you for the feeling of knowing
thank you for this work that
helps me feel good that helps me
enjoy every day

so grateful to mind
my business and enjoy
every day

it feels like life is flowing
my way and i can feel that when i

loosen the reigns
life is allowed to flow more easily
i feel at peace in my life and i’m ok
with that

i’m ok with being at peace with
where i am and knowing that

don’t need to change
anything or get anywhere
it feels good to feel completely

relaxed in the here and now
it feels good to let go of the
rest it feels good to notice

how good i feel when i
take a break from thinking for 20 mins
even when i so called meditate
i don’t shut my thoughts down
like i do when running and

feeling in the world

it hleps m

helps me remember who i am iat

it forces that break from thinking
and it feels so good

so good to focus on not thining
to let go fo

of striving or

even caring about

others actions it
feels good to make the choice
to love

my own health it feels good to
feel healthy to feel good about life
to feel good about
celebrating my life with my wife

thank you thank you thank you

for this here and now

thank you thank you
thank you for

this here and now


thank you

for this here and now
thank you for this

here and now for the
feeling of this here and now for

trust inthis
here and now thank you
for the ability to love

myself thank you
thank you for knowing
thank you for knowing that

thank you for feeling the
feeling with me thank you for
the personal power i’ve been given

thank you for the consciousness

that helps me

understand it

so grateful to

do the work and feel the feelig
being pulled through me so grateu

to remember that it can only

ever reflect me so

gratful to do the work
and remember who i am

to remember that
i am my vibration and
my life reflects that

i am

my life experience
i am the creator

of me
i know this
i know that the
feeling is the environment i create
so i make the choice to f

feel how i want to feel right now and i kno th
the power of feeling i know the power of

feeling the
feeling i know the power of
feeling the feeling i love that i
get to feel the feeling
and then


i love the feeling of me i love
that it comes to me i ove

love that it always comes love
that it

always comes
i love that i

it already is i love that
everything already is i love
that i know i know that

life is a feeling i am
a feeling and i get to choose

how i want to feel i get to choose
how i want to feel i get to

to choose how i want to feel i love
that i ge tto c

to celebrate life i love that
i get to celebratre li

life i love that i ge to
to celebrate li i love
i love that i get to

get to do the work
i this
this here and now i love
remembering that i am
the creator and that
it can only

ever reflect me it feels good
to feel the

feel the wa i wnat to feel
to choose the feeling i want to feel

feels good to be good at it
to be good at choosing

who i am

it feels good to make the choice
to feel the power of me th

to feel the power of knowing it
feels good to feel

the power of knowing that

i am perfect how i

am it feels good to love
to send the signal of love to
make thee choice

not to talk shit
about someone else
because then it just
creates more of that
in my life

is that what i wnat??
then don’t bring it up!!!

it feels good to feel good about
who i am it feels good to feel good about
the versio i pr

i am creating and knowing that
everything is perfect in

this here and now

it feels good to remember who i am it feels good
to focus i this
this here and now and remember who i am
it feels good to feel atease to

feel myself letting go and remembering who i
truly am it feels good to feel good about life
to feel good

no matter what

it feels good to feel

no matter what i feel good
no matter what and

that is my power

that is my power as aperson


peace is
and i love that i know this
i love

i get to feel good and that
is my power i love that ik now life
life always works out and i
get to choose

to feel good in this

very monet

this here and now it feels good to
do the work to see the amgick life
around me to know that i am
a match to the magick life

to know that to see the magick
i have to bee lookin

be looking for it and today i intend
to be a match to the magick it feels good to
feel the magick of life it feels good

to feel the magick of life

andk now


for a fact

it’s not just coincidence

it feels good to know my power
to come into my power and to practice my


it feels good to practice my power

to practice the
energy i put out in the world

it feels good to send the
energy of love and know that i will
always get it
