for this good day for ths ab
beautiful day
so gratefl to get to help
so grateful to feel loved and appreciated so
gratetufl t
to feel good to feel so much love so
grateful for my wife
for my life for the life i chose so grateful
i get
to choose love
in ever situation
i get to chooset o l
to line it up
it up i get to choose the feeling and know that life always follows the feeling
i get to choose to be kind
i gte to choose the
right path
keeping score i get to choose not
keeping score and i knoww that is
that is the feeling i get e
to chooset olove to choose love i get to
i feel good i feel good i feel go
food i
feel good i feel the power of me i nkow the power of me
i know i can always return to thep ower
of me return to love i knwo i can alawys return to the power of love
so gratful for orders
for checks in the mail
for my food made for me fr my blunts folled
roled for me
i’m here tuning i’m
here feeling the feeling
my awareness
and knowledge of the all prividing
activity of the divine mind within me is my suppy
my consciousness of this truth is unlmited
my supply is unlimited