thank you for this day

thank you for the energy of life flowing
through me thank you for the knowledge for the focus

for the connection thank you for this here and now
i am focused in this here and now
and i am celebrating every moment

i let life guide me and i never
question what is or worry about it
i know that i never have to worry

life is always on my side and no matter what
i can always choose how i feel i can always choose
how i feel i can
always relax into the isness

of life i relax into the isness of life
i realzx

relax into all that is

im connected to the flow of
energy im saying yes to life yes to the flow
flowing through me yes to the love energy

the love for life i love the love for life
i love that i get to choose to love life

today i get to choose to release
and relax today i get to choose to

enjoy life to savor them oment
to say thankyou today

i say thank you
for all the love in my life

i feel the feeling today i allow the
feeling the fill every

molecule of my reality
i allow the feeling to fill every

molecule of my existence

i allow life to flow
easily through me and i celebrate all that is

i know that i can bring the feeling of


to everything i do i love that i can
always bring the feeling of god

to everything i do i love that there is so much to love
i love that i get to feel the release

i feel good in my life
i feel at ease in my life i feel the
god self flowing through me i feel

the flow flowing through me i feel the

the energy of life i feel the celebration
of life celebrating life for no reason

deciding to have an
amazingly awesome day for no reason!

and finding focus in everything i do
finding ease in everything i do
and knowing that life is awlays fl

always flowing perfectly through me
and i can get out of the way and just
float down stream

i know that i can float down stream
i know that nothing is up to m e

i lift up my heart and mind
to be aware to understand and to know t
aht t

that the divine prsenc

presence i am is the source and substance
of all my good

i lift up my mind
and heart
to be aware to understand and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

thankyou thank you thank you
for this here and now

i feel good in my life i feel good in my life
allow the energy of life to flow through me
the flow of life

i allow the flow of life i allow the flow
of life i allow love to flow through me
i allow gratitude to flow through me i love

i allow god

i allow god i allow knowledge
i allow the truth i allow the
truth of life to seep through me

i allow the truth of life i allow
a lust for life to seep through me

i allow myself to feel
how i want to feel

i know that today is amazingly awesome
and i can feel that knowledge
flowing into me i feel the focus

flowing through me i feel the ease and flow
of life i feelt he lust for life flowing through me

i feel myself making the choice

i love that i get to choose to feel good about life
i love that lfe i

life is good i love that if eel t
i feel the lust for life flowing through
me i love that there is so much to love

i love thatl ife loves i love feelign
the energy of life flow through me
remembering how i am supposed to feel

remembering how i am allowed to feel
i love that i get to send love i love that i
get to choose love and love is always the solution
i lovee that
i get to love this day

feel enthusiastic about this day
that i can bring love to everything i do
i love that i can

always do the owrk i lov tha t
i can feel energized in this moment
just by the energy of life

i love remembering that life is good
and life is magick i love
chosoing th

choosing the magick life

raising my vibration
and tuning into the magick of life

raising my vibration and tuning into the

magick of life

raising my vibration and tuning into the

magick of life

i tune into the magaick of life
i choose to feel good now i choose
to feel good now i

choose to feel good now i choose
a lust for life i choose to allow
my vibration to rise i choose to feel
the energy of life flowing thorugh me

the lust for life the knowing
that everything i want

always comes and i get to just
get out of the way
i love that i get ot feel the
feeling now i love that
ig et to feel the feeling now

i feel the lust for life
flowing through me if eelt he
good life flowing through me

i feel focused i feel the flow
i feel the flow i feel the fo

god self i feel the god self
showing through i feel the

energy of life flowing through me
i am allowing theener

the energy of life
to flow thorugh me

today is an amazingly awesome day!
and i know that

when i feel it i see it and

i get to choose how i feel
and when i choose i feel

i dont need to see

any manifestation!
i just feel good!