thank you for this here and now

thank you for the knowledge of what i am
of who i am thank you for the feeling of relief

thank you for the feeling of relief i love that
i feel good i love where i am right now i love that i
feel good now i lofe that

that i et to get to feel good now i love that i am
here i am here i am here andnow

i am here i this here and now

and tha’ts all there is
i knkow the

i know this is all there is i know this


is the only work i know
i am so loved and cared for

i knw life is good i know life is in the
letting go life is in the trusting
life is in the knowing the
feeling of knowing

life is in the

i feel good!!

i feel great in this here andnow
i feel my best self flowing
i know

that i am my best self in this
here andn ow i lov that i feel like
my best self in this
here and now
i love

feeling confident i love loving myself
i love feeling good in my body i love
that there is so much
to love i love that i get to feel good i

i love feeling the relief of life flowing through me
i love feeling

the energy
the zone of genius
the knowing energy
the free energy

non resistant energy
the energy of god i loe

i love feeling the energy of god
flowing through e i

me i love that i can always choose
knowing in any moment i love that
i know this for a fact i love

the better it gets i love that i know i love that
i know the


literally know i know i know
for a fact i love that
i know

for a fact

i feel good i feel at ease
i feel
relaxed in my life i feel relieved to
let go

everything in the past or future
i know none of it mattersand i

i know none of it matters iknow
none of itmatters
i know i know none
of it matters

i love that life is good i love me i ilove
myself i love that i know it’s
all me i love coming back to bent

center and releasing resistance
i love that i know i am god i love
that i kow i
i know i am god i love that i kno wi amg

am god i love that i know i am god i love

i lovet hat i know that i know i am god i love
that i get to love i loe th
that i have the power to

to look for what iw ant to
see i love that i get to choose to
love no matter what i love that
i get to choose
not to care
about anything that
has ever happened

it was reflection of an
old vibration i love that i
get to choose the loving


resistance free

god vibration i lovet hat i
get to choose it i love that i know it’s
me i love that i kno wit’s it’s

me that i get to choose how i feel that
life reflects

me life reflects me i love that

that i know this i liove that
i love get to feel good
that i get to tune the instrument
i love that i never havet o think
about anything in the past or furue

i love making the switch i love tha
i am alive i love that i get to feel alive

i love that i get to feel the
best ever that i get to feel good about my life
that i get to celebrate life i love

feeling good about myself and my life i love that
i get to make the choie

to feel good now to love myself
i love


it feels good to allow it
feels good to feel expansive it feels good

to feel good to feel creative

feel confident to allow myself the best ia m
able to recieve


thank you for this here andnow
and now for the feeling of knowing the feeling of
connetion the

of focus within the feeling of knowing
i am creating it
but it’s not pressure
its’ allowing its

celebrating i love that ie
get to celebratethis moment

i love feeling relief i love leaning toward releif
i love feeling the relief
of letting go of the past or the

the future i love that

easy i love that i am perfectin this
this here and now i love keeping up the good work

allowing myself to feel good about life
to celebrate

letting go of old things
i’ve held onto my whole life
and looking for love it feels good to let go
of old patterns and

make new ones it feels good to love
to look for

i love the here andnow i love
doing this work i love getting in the vortex and then
i love that i’m

in the vortex now i love
that i know life

reflects the feeling i love that
i don’t have to try i don’t have to

suck it all in i can allow life
to ocme

come to me i love allowing life to
come to me i love
the vortexi love that ia m in the
vortex ain

in this here and now i love
that i never have to wonder

because i can always make the choice
for life to

be good

i love eddie
i love that he’s nice to me
and makes converstaion i

i love the family who is nice to me
who is kind to me

who loves me for who i am who
loves me for who i am and i love that
i can always focus on the lvoe i l

i can always look for the love i love that
i knkow who i

i am i love

that i know who i am
i love
that i know

i am god i kow i

am god and all
that exists
is this

here andn ow