thank you for this moment thank you
for this moment thank you for this moment
thank you for this moment
this work this feeling that i get to keep coming back to
this feeling that i get to keep coming back to so grateful to
do it to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling the
feeling th
the feeling teh feeling the feeling i get to fele i can
always come back to the feeling i cn
always come back to the feeling
i cana wlays come back to the feeling
always just come back to the feeling
and say thank you
thank you for the order!
thank you for the knowledge so that we can fix it
thank you for the moment
for the flow flowing thorugh
me for the wind
thank you for the day
for the
feeling for the wind
so grateful for the flow
for the feeling the feeling flowing through me
to feel the feeling to come back to the
feeling to know the powe
of the
feeling to remember the power of the feeling