i love that i know i always get what i want
and that doesn’t meean
that i dont go with the flow
i with the flow of wha
what is and then i always gett what i want after all
i love that life is g
working out for me i love that life loves me i love
i make the choice to
feel goo d
i make the choicet
to feel at ease to feel calm i this
here and now
i can always make the choice to
feel salm
calm and at ease in there in now
i’m doing the work to feel at ease
to feel the waves of relief i’m
doing the work
allowing the waves of relief
to envelop me i allow the waves of relief
to envelop me and that’s all there
really is to live
focusing on how i feel
focusing on feeling at ease
at allow life to flow through me
flowing allowing well being to flow
allowing well being to flow
i love that i get to choose
i practice feeling at ease
i pre
practice feeling at ease
i am
eae ia m ease and flow
i am ease
and flow i am
easae and flow i am
ease and flow i am
ease and flow i am ease and flow i am
ease and flow i am
ease and flow
i am ease and flow i allow
th per
perfect amount of ease and flow
to flow perfectly through
my body
i’m focused on the ease and flow flowin
through me
i’m focused on the ease of life
i’m focused on the ease of life the magick
of life and is my
right to choose ease
its my right to choose ease
its my right to choose ease
i love feeling good
i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow the
flow flowing through me i love
feeling good now
i love that i get to choose to feel good now
i get to choose the feeling now
i get to choose the feeling
now i get to choose and ease and flow
right now
i get to choose ease and flow
right now i get to choose ease and flow
right now
i feel good now i feel good now
i feel the flow flowing through me
i feel the
flow of life flowing through me
i feel the flow of life flwoing
through me i feel good i feel the flow i feel
godo i feel the flow i feel the flow
i am
i am aware of the flow i simply
must be w
aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly
pouring forth from my divine
i amnow i aware
i am now in the flow
i’m so grateful iknow
the divine conscious that i am
is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibiliby not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life affairs
ii am letting go i let go
completely totaly l
totally release and feel the
feel thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank
you i feel teh m
the magick flowing through me
i’m on the lookout for the perfect
magick flowing through me
i’m focused on feeling
ease in life ge
because my life is really
i intend to relish it in
every moment possible
i love that its up to me to feel
ease i love tht i
i can always choose it
i can always choose love for everything that is in
this here and now
it feels good to feel the heart sing
to expect the best i always expect the best
it it feels good to feel good
it feels good to just know
it feels good to just know
it feels good to know
it feels good to know to fee th
the feeling flowing through me to feel
the feeling flowing
through me
to feel the feeling
through me
to feel the
flowing through me to feel the focus
int eh
here and now the magick of life
the magick of o
god flowing through me
the magick of god flowing through me
yes yes yes
thank you thank you
thank you
thank you thank you thank you
yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you
yes yes yes
thank you thank you thank you
yes yes yes
thank you thank you thank you
yes yes yes
thank you thank you
thank you
yes thank you
i am focused in this here and now
i am perfect right now
in the flow
i feel relief i feel relaxed i feel
knoiwng i feel grateful i feel knowing i feel the
magick life the
magick life
the power of the focus the power of the
version i’m creating i know the pwer
of the version i ceat
create i love that i get to
create i love that
i get to create
the version i prefer i love tha i get
to allow life to flow through me ease and flow
i allow the ease and flow life
i allow i aknow th
i know the magick i now
i know life reflects the feeling and it
feels good to do the work
the only work
to celebrate how fucking pefect
perfect my life is!!!
i’m focused on the god self
i’m focused on the god self
flowing through me im focused on the
magick of life flowing through me
i feel the magick i know i now
i know wth mat
magick of life i know its only
ever me i know its only ever me
i know its only ever me
i know its only ever me
i know
its only ever me
thank you i love that i get to choose
and then it is i love that i
get to choose and then it is
i love that i get
to choose and then it is i get to feel
th feeling and
then life arranges
itself around that
and the feeling of
the feeling
is relief