thank you god for this life for this day for the
time and space to remember who i am thank you god for the time and space
to remember who i am thakn you god
thank you god for this day thank you god for this day
for the knowledge of you for the knowledge of you
thank you god for this day
for this day thankyou go
thank you for this day for the sun for the air for walking
for myhoop
i get o choose how i feel only
i can choose only i can know i ony i can know god ionly i can choose to know
thank you for this day for this feeling
for knowing
for the time s and space to remember who and what iam
thankyou god for everything
for the feeling of knowing for knowing that
the feeling coms frstr
comes first and then the feeling comes first
and then the rst the feeling comes frist and
then the res tand nothing can stop me
from feeling good from
celebateing life from
celebrateing life and i know i know that everion of me i know
i have to choose i have to choose
what i think i have to choose
to hink
i have to choose
only ic an choose how i feel only
i can choose whta i think or dont htink
that is life and i am always creating it i know that i am
always creating it and all i can do if eel good
feel god for myself all i can do is feel god
for myself ans day i
and i know i and say i know i know god i know the feeling
of god
i know the feeling of god i know god and that’sa ll
i can do is know god al
i can only ever know god for myself
i cano nly ever feel the feleing of god myself
the feeling of nt car
cating becains i have god t
tiehr way i hae god either wya i have god either
way and that’sa ll that matters
i choose the f
eeling fo god all i can do is fhf
choose the feeling of god that is all that
there is that
is the only thing tothin kabout tha is the only thing to consider thae t
feeling of god and i knwo this thankyou tank youf or the
feeong fo god feo for the feeling of knowing
the focus is all there is awareness of the god self
is all there is that is the only pursiu and
there’sonly one pursuit and that’s the god self
thank you for this day for the time for
and space for everything going perfectly for
everyting working out perfectly for me
for saying yes to god thank you
for allowing me to say yes to god
for everything for all the blessings in my life
thank you for
god for wall that bles
the belssingsin my life
thank you for god god thank you
god thank you thank you fo l;y
thankyou for the love in my heart for the joy in my heart for allowing joy in my hear t for allowing joy in my heart thnak you god for allowing moy in my ha
i know tis always here with me its always here aiwht me and i can calways chose to feel it i can always choose to fele the joy god
of god i can always ctr
choose to feel the joy of god
only i get to choose is that what i want is that what i want and
i know its real i nkow its real i kno that this is the only real think
thing i know the only real thing is the magic i love that i know t
his i love that we’re just getting started i love that get
to trust the magic i
that i get t to choose the feeling of what i wnat to feel
i know i know htat its me i
i know that tis al lin my head i know that its all in my
head i l
i love that i know i know that its all in
my head and i don thave to choose to think about what i dont
want i get ot choose
celebrate life i ge tto choose to dsay say thank you cho
to choose how i want to t o
to feel i love that i get ti i love that i ge tot
go back to
what manifested it go gack to what manifested it
thank you
for this feeling of for ths day
thank you god i have it all thank you
god htank you god for al l
the bel
blessings around me
thakn you god for all the blessings atound m
me thank you god for the
all the blessings around me
that i dont have tot hink a out the
rest i love that its not my problem i love that
i get ot choose to feel good and neoy the
day thank you god for everything
thank you god
for eveyrthing i loe hat
i get to say thank you that i get to
feel how i wnat to feel and life follows