i love that life is good i love
the better it gets i love that i am in the habit of
looking for the good in life
i love the better it gets ilove
i love that i’ve made the choice to look for what i want
to see i love that i’ve made the choice to feel good
i my li
in my life and nothing
or no one
can stop me i’ve made the choice to
enjoy this here and now i’ve made the choice to look for
what i want to see to
be in charge of what i give my attention
i love doing the work i wake up
doing the work i wake up feeling good i wake up
feeling at ease in my life and that is my choice
i love that i get to make the choice and
through doing the work the choice gets easier and easier
it gets easier and easier to zoom out and see life
through my third eye
to feel like through my soul and i know that is
what i truly want
an authentic life
i know the meaning of life and living
an authentic life means living life
by those truths
and i know it feels so much better to
live life according
i love feeling at ease in my lif
i love feeling my heart sing i love making the
choice to allow my heart to sing i
love making the choice to sing through life i love
that i know
it’s my choice i love feelig
on top of my emotions
i loive handling my emotions
i love that i know it’s all
a matter of perspective
i love that iknow i love that i
get to choose how i see the orld
world and i love that i get to look
with love and that this
the fullest
most authentic expression of self
i love
i am one who loves i am one
who loves and looks for things to love
and because of that my life is
easy and i allow it to be easy
i don’t get wrapped up in the up s and
downs the ins and outs
i love that it always works out i love th
that i get to choose to love i
get to choose
what i look at i get to
take responsibility for that
which i create i get to
take responsibility for it all and
and that’s what it means to
zoom out and see life
from heart center
it means knowing that i could
never be a victim of something outside of me
and it is always my choice what i look for
and that is always what i see
i love that i get to
choose love i love that iknow t
i know that when i know something is going to happen
it dos i
it does i love i love that get
get to choose love i love that today i feel good
today i feel
loved by life and i know that is
all i can ever do i knw it’s always my choice
what i look at and how i feeland the
the pracitce he
helps me remember that i know that all that ever
is this work amnd
and making the choice to practice
being aware of what i create
i know there is nothing outside of me and
i know that when i love
love loves me
and i get to celebrate
and feel good about that i love the
feeling of coming back to center
remembering who i am and i know that is
the meaning of life
that is the best feeling int he world
for a reason
because it is the purpose of life
all thatmatters
is coming back to center ad allowing
myself to love this wrld
world this life tat
that is all i can do and i know that
everything reflects me
i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose
the other side of the wave
i love that i know i know the
other side of the wave and i get to
relax into ti
i love that i feel good now i fee
relaxed in this here and now i feel relaxed in this
here and now and i am allowed that
i feel good in this here and now
by choice
because i remember that there is nothing
outside of me to
act upon me
there isn’t enything
anything acting opon
upon me
only through me only
as areflect
reflection of me
zooming out means remembering that
there is nothing
outside of me
i loive that i ove that
i love that i get to allow the
best i love that
i get to allow the
best i love that i
i get to allow the best i love that
i approve of myself i love that his
this work helps me rememberi love that
this place helps me focus
on what i want
i love that this place helps me focus
on what i want
i love that i know i love that i know
it’s only ever me and i love the feeling of loving
and feeling loved i ove
i love that ik now i have
have access to this i love that i know i have
access to the feelings of
i love doing the work to feel good i love
that i am allowing myself to be my full
authentic self
and i am not afraid
i am not afraid to love and
enjoy life and create the version i want
because i know i am the
only one creating i am the only one
creating it and it can only
reflect me i love the better it
gets i love that it
i love that i’ve let that go
i love that i get to stand up to
my thoughts and say
i’ve let that go
whatever it is
i will never gi
figure it out and i don’t have to
because all i have to figure out is
how to feel good in this here and now
and that is my power
and that is my only job
here on earth is to figure out
how to feel good about that in this
here and now
and let it be enough i love that i’ve
let that go i love that i can feel myself
sending it to the
i love that i can feel the
feeling of the other side of the wave
i love that i get to choose in this
here and now
that i’ve let that go