the divine buzz

grateful to feel the divine buzz in every moment
to feel the perfection of this momet

the gratitude for everything in thismoment
gratitude for everything

i love feeling the divine buzz
i love that i feel it right now i love that
life is good i love that life is good right now
i love

grateful to feel good grateful to
feel good to feel god now to focus on feeling good
and make that my main focus because that is
all that ever matters and i love that i know that
i love that i get to make the choice
to feel good i love that i gt to
get to make the choice to feel good i love that
i get tomake the choice to feel good

it feels good to focus on feeling good
to focus on how i want to feeland
and then feel that way no matter what

feel that way no matter what and then everything
in life reflects that

i lvoe that
i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to chooes to feel
choose how
to feel how i want and that’s all that matters
is making the choice to feel good

to like myself to love myself where i am
to love myself and to make choices that support that

to know that how i feel is what creates my life
to know that what i focus on i get more of

to know that how i see myself in my head
is how i will apear to myself in themirror

the ;mir

the mirror andi know these are the
only things that really matter

how i feel andhow i

how i see myself and my life
i know that the feeling is what affects all
of life how i feel how i feel

the version of myself
i create that is all there is and as long
as i am aware of the version of myself i create

focusing on how i feel on the version i prefer
the way i prefer to feel and i can always tune into that

i acn always
can always choose to feel good about myself
to love myself to think nice things about myself
to think the thoughts i want to think and i love
that its ahta t

that easy
3 days

that’s all it takes and i know its just a choice
grateful to renew the choice to remember the choice
to know its only ever about how i feel its

only ever about how i feel and i feel ig

i feel good and i like myself
i like my body i like who i am

i never have to beat up on myself
i never have to look for flaws

i never have to regret a decision
or at least hang on to that choice
i can address the choice and move on

that is my power that is my power
is its always so easy to get back to loving myself
i love that i get to love myself right now

that i get to feel good now that i get to
feel good now that its a mindset
i love that i get to practice likeing myselfing no matter


loving myself no matter what
i get to choose how i see myself
in every
in every moment i get to choose how i
seee myself the version of myself
i create

so grateful for this moment for a chance to do the work
to take who ia m

to practice loving woh ia m
right now and know that’s all i can ever do

grateful i get to choose grateful i get to
choose all i can c

i all

all i can ever do is choose how i feel all i can
ever do is choose how i feel choose how i feela nd

and i’m gratful to the
to the contrast for remindingm e that

all i can ever do is

the only thing i have ‘control’ over is how i feel and
i know there’s so much i could focus on that’s good
that’s positive

and that is my power
that is my metabolism and i know this is true i know that

that’s all there is
is feeling good and if i’m feeling bad about myself i ‘

i’m createing
creating the version i dont want
so all i can do is feel good



i am

the resource

just like that its so easy
to chooe to

to remember its a mindset
how i see life how i see myself
is a mindset
and there will always be someone

yoy ca

you can compare yourself to
if you’re looking i know this i know
thi know

i know this that my self image
is all about me and how i see myself
and that is really the only

how i see myself is the only metabolism

just refuse to get down on myself
just refuse to overthink my body
or what i eat

just refuse the inner dialogue
and just say yes to life and everything it brings

and that’s ll i can

all i can ever do and that is the secret to live

so grateful to do this work
and know to be aware of where i’m putting my
attention and know

its just athe asy
that easy to choose how i think and feel

its just atheas y
that easy

my inner supply instantly and constantly
taks on

takes on form and experience according to my needs and
desires and as the principle
of supply in action

it is impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs and desires

thank you thank you for this
this here and now for the knowledge

remembering the knowledge is all
i need and i get to choose to feel good about myself
no matter what

to feel good about myself no matter
what i get to feel good about myself

right now
its all about how i feel is only
its only about how i feel
its only about how i fee

how i feel that is all that matters
i know i don thave to

hold on to things
that i can allow life to flow to and through me
and that is most w

and best and only wrok

work i can do