the energy always matches the self

i can’t be mad because im creating it
every day i create the sme thing and then im
mad when it works when
i see it

i magaim

imagine the same thing and then mad
when i see that play out i take responsibility

because it i know i i now its me i m
the one that doens’t want to take

to hang out and i take responsibility for that

ite ms ean di can

its me and i can’t be mad at the energy im ccreating
i can’t be mad at the energy im creating
i know tis me i nkow that life always refelcts me

and i get to choose to refuse to feel lack
i know im getting eveyrthing that want and i celebate knowing

its me and i nkow thi i know the i now the energy of me i nkow the eneryg of me i nkow tis me i now

its me i nkow tis only ever m i know its
only ever me i know its not sou
outside of me i know that im creating it bbecaue i dont want to

so i can celebate getting everythign i want
i can say yes thank you i can say yes thank you

i love that ig et to do this work i love hta i now that
whever wahtevewhteer version i create thats what i see i love that
i et to

get to i love that i never havet o wonder i love that i
never have to wonder just
chooe god and know thate verything is in my favor i knwo that

everything is i n my favor

i know tis all godo i know its all godo i know its me
and i am creating it and im goo
too powerful i know i create it and then im
disappointed if i want to do that then i have to create
it but i dont hwa
tn to

to do that so i better be ahppy w the vresoin i created

i am the one and only creator and i now thsi
i am the one and only creator and i love that i know that i am

awrae i am aware i am aware and that is th
all there is the divine presence i am is the source and substance of all my good

i nkow its me


making shit ip

up looking for problems haha

oh well

i love myself naywa
anywayi i love that i create problems
i love that i want to stay home an dnot
leave i love that i dont hc

care i love that i get to feel good anyway

i love thaat i gt to

i love that i dont have to care