the focus is all that
matters the feeling is all
that matters and nothing
is worth
coming out of the
vortex coming
away from god so
i make the choice to believe in the
version i prefer
and then
allow it to manifest
i am aware of my thoughts and the
version i am creating and
i am aware
of the version
i am creating i am
aware of the
god solf
self lfowin
flowing thought m
e me as my only
source of abundance
i now my supply
is the feeling i know my
supply is the
the feeling how i feel is
what dictates my life
and i can choose the
choose the version i prefer
instead of what i don’t what
i am looking for what i want to s
ee and i am at moutain top
i have been to mountain top
and i now now
i know i’m not nervous
i’m knowing
i know everything
is unfolding
as it should and that girngs
me peace
i feel peace within
knowing that everything
is unfolding perfectly an i
dn’t have
to get in the way
i love that i get an
to enjoy life
with frends
friends and family
to celebrate
i love the power of the focus
of the flow of the choice i love
the power of the choice
to feel good to lean inot the
into the flow i love the
to look forw hat i wan t
want to see
i look for what i want
to see and i create the
version i want i know the
only thing that
is my connection with god
is feeling the way god
feels and i do this work
to practice the way
god feels iknow i am
can control life with my
focus i know its
all about the focus i know i can
do it
witht he fl
focus i know
i know its only me
i know its the feeling i know
i make the choice to feel good
andl ife floo
follows i
i love the reason to
i love positive stress
i love that i
get to feel the
feeling of knowing
that everything is unfolding
and i never have to wonder
i can just love i love
the feeling of just loving
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing
is all that matters
so grateful to
get to focus so grateful for the
flow for the magick of life
so grateful for the
of lie
the focus is all
that matters because
it can only refelct
me and i am god
so the more i commune with god
the more
prosperous i am
i love that i can choose
love i love that i get to c
get out of the way i love
that i know that only thing
i can do
is get out of the way and choose
the feeling the
feeling of god
is all that matters
the focus is all that
matters the acting as if
the acting
ready to let that go
and move on with my life
in the vortex
i’m not nervous
i’m knowing i know that
the flow is always flowing and when
i send the signal of
yes the universe shows
me yes
i am brave
i have the courage
to look for what i want
to see to believe in
the version i want to see
and know that
none of it matters
i feel good i am celebrating
this day and nothing can stop me
i am looking for reasons to
love this day and nothing
can stop me i feel good
i feel the feeling the feeling
of me that
is what i seek i know
to remember
it just doesn’t matter
and i don’ thave
to care about anything
nothing matters and i don’ thave
to care i
can simply
enjoy this right now
it feels good to remember
i don’ thave
to worry i can just
get out of the way
and allow life
to ahpp
happen i can give up
and joyfully go dabout
my life
that i am taken care of
today i inten to
enjoy this right now
and let god take care
of the
i intend to to
to know i am
i send the signal of
knowing t
and that’s all that matters
i am
brave enough to look for
what i want to se
and it feels good to
feel good that’s the
real on ly
reason is because it feels good
to feel good it
feels good to let go
and just love to aloow
allow the love of god
to l
flow through meit feels ogo
good to look with love
to take
the time to do me
to make the choice
to come back to center
to be the fullest
version of myself in this
right now
it feels good to make
the time
to feel good in this right now
because now is
all that matters
i love this rightn ow
and it loves me
i celebate
celebrate this day
and allow it to fun
and easy i allow
life to be fun and easy
i know that life is fun
and easy i now that
life is fun and easy and i make
the time to
practice the signal i love
doing the work i love
taking reps
responsibilty for
what i want to see
and how i feel
i love
allowing myself to look
for what i want to see
i love that i am awre
of my thoughts and
that they are all
i love tht i get
to chose
and its tat
that easy i am
brave enough to make
the choice
i am brave enough to make
the choicet o do this
work and allow
god to flow
to celebrate knowing
i am already rich
with gods love
and that feels good