becuase th
because the feeling is always there
and the feeling comes from where you
decide to focus
i know this i know that the feeling
the flow is
the feeling is always right here and no
its just a matter of flipping the switch i know that
the feeling is all that matters
my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply
my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
i know ths and i know that all fo life
all of life must reflect the feelig
i know that today i can choose to live
subjectively that i can choose what i want in this
moment and
then it is i know that i choose it and then it is and i love that
tis that
its that easy i love that its that easy
i love that i know i
get to choose the feeling right now
and it
doesn’t have to be dependent on
anything outside
of me all
it depends on is the focus all
it depends on is the
the focus
i love that i know ti love that i know the
feeling that i get to choose it now
that i know nothin
i didn’t get the feeling from that
that i had the feeling first
and then that was there and i love that
i know that
i can always choose the f;ee
the feeling no matter what i can always choose
teh feeling no matter what
and i dont need that thing
becuase i gto the feeling rist
first then
the thing came and i know this
is true for everything i know that
its all a feeling an
and that life always reflects that!!
the feeling is here the feeling
is always the feeling is
here and now the feeling is this momn
the feeling
through my consciousness of my god
there’s no need to rush through this
when this is the only work
when the feeling is already here so why would
i need o tr
to try to do something to
get the feeling i already have i already have
there’s no reason to rush throug this
through this this is the only work
make the time to
to mlk
mlk the feeling to tue the
i love the i k
that i know the truth that i know the
i love that i know that
the truth
i allow life i expand to fill
the moment i feel the feeling of alignment
of knowing
of totally letting go of
knowing it doesn’t mater
it just doesn’t matter
i do the work of life
letting go of knwoing its just doesn’t matter
of releasing everyting i relae
i release
i release i
draw into my mind and feeling nautre
nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply thus my
consciousness of the presence of god withi me
is my supply
i love that i get to feel it right now
and i know that it didn’t come from that
person it came from me
i know this is the
this is true the feeling comes from within
and that’s why ic an access the feeling
any time i want i love that i get to
get to expand t
get to expand to fill this moment to
this feeling get to expand to feel this
feeling get to expand to
feel this feeling get to expand to feel
get to expand to the fullness of me
expand into this right now
what did i do i focus one
focused on feeling good i focused
on the version i wanted and then trusted my intuition
and it brought me to what i wanted i just had
to focus on the
feeling focus on the feeling the
connection the knowledge
expanding to fill this here and now
the feeling came frist and it
came from the focus from taking
the big leap into
the moment the good of the
goo of the moment fully trusting
fully knowing god is on my side i know
the work i know the feeling
the feeling the feeling of
doing the work of
choosing the version i want
and actiing it out
acting as if knowing that
everything i want is always formulating
that its already been made and that
i dont even need it becuase when
i can access the knowledge in the here and now
when i can distsance myself
from the wanting from thinking i need more
when i can ust
just exist right now knowing that
everything is on my side
is in my favoe that is the feeling and that’s
all there is becuase it is so
much fo
the expandsion
first you become it
then you see it
first you become it
then you see it
first you become it
first i become it the i see it
but i dont need to see it
when i become it
because when i become it
there’s nothing else
nothing left
to need
when you become it then you already
are it and you don’t need it anymore
because you already are is
already are it and the power of me
the power of anyone is that
energy that movement of energy away from
i dont have it or i need it to
i am it
i am it i am it i already am that feeling
and whethere i have that thing or not
doesn’t affect it doesnt
affect it
i kow this i know this i nkow this
i know this i know this
i know this
i know this i know this
i know the feeling i know
the feeling of thie
the flow i know
i know the expansion into this here andnow
and now i know the expansion
i know the expansion
i know that i already am it i kow that
that i become it then i see it but
i don’t need to see it
when i become it because i know it’s
all alraedy there and that none of
it matters i love doing this work
the only work
going deeper into the feeling
into the realizatios i get to
go deepper
into this work remember who i am what i am
i know what i am i do this work
to remember who and what i am