the feeling feels good

it feels good
to milk the feeling to create the version i want

no matter what im crating
creating a verison i should crate h

the version iprefer i love that
i get to c
to look for what i want i love that i
get to celebate life i love that
i get to choose it aht i kow is

its my choice tis my choic ehow i feel its my choice
how i feel and i know im the ccrate


i feel the feeling now i feel the
feeling now i love that it always

comes back around i love that i know
i love that i know

i love that i now ti
is me i love that i get to choose how if eel right now
i get to feelgoo

good get to choose teh version i live
i love that ig et ot choose the ers

the version i live i lov
love that im totally fulfilled

i love hanging out in the flow
i love that she wanted us to go i love going with
i love being there
i love being by her side

i lvoe being valentines

i love all the little treats she gets us
i love that ath
thse love

she loves to buy us little things
i love that hse loves us i love hat

we got ot

to experi

have love i love that we get to feel love
every day i love hat i get to choose
ia m

i am aware of where i look ia m wher of the
version i
create inside of me i kow that all of life
oringinates m

from my consciousness i love that
i knwot his

i know ia m go i ex

i expand the experience of happiness wherever i go

i expand the experience of happiness wherever i go

i love that i know the power of me i am the
master of the feeling ia m the master of
feeling the w

feeling it now i am the master of feeling it now
feeling the ones n

ness with god the

expansion of happiness wherever i go
the expansioon of happiness
wherever i go

i know the feeling i remember it i feel for it i
i do the work for me i do the work of me

i do the work of me so grateful to do the work
of me to

the feeling of me the feleing of
the feleing of

the feeling of me the feeling of me
th e

the feelng of me the f
the feeling of me the
feeling of mth
the feeling of me the feeling of me the

i know the power of me and i know life helpsme
feel it i know the power of me and i know life
ehlps me feel it i know the

power of me i know the
power of
em and i love that power of me i love the feleing of me

and i love that i know ithat
that i never have to donwer
wonder i love that i know that i never have to downer

wonder i get to feel the feeling now
i get to choose the feeling now i

get to feel gratitdue to
ow i get to

i love that i know that i can’t wonder

i have to decdie i can’t wonder

i have to decide and i know that
god is on my side i know hat
god is on my side i know that

gos id

god is always on my side and i get ot just

i get to just be i et to
i get to just by i get to
just be
i get to just be

i get to just

be i get to feel godo now i know the feleing of me
i know
i know the true feeling of me

i tr
i do the
i feel the ture feelng of me
i true

i feel the true feeling of me

today i practice teh power of me
today i preactice the power of me

today i feel the power of me
today i am

the ower othe power of me today i remember the poewr
of me and i love that i

get to i love that i get it love that
i get ot

remember the peor of me get to relese and
feel the pweor fo em

i get to remember the power of me
i get to remember the ower of me

i ge t

get to enjoy life in this here and now
i get to cn

enjo lfie in this here and onw
i am

brave enough to feel the
feeling i want to feel

i wam

am brave enough to feel the feeling
i watn to feel