all of life is created from how i feel
and i have teh too
the tools to choose how i want to feel
to feel for how i want to feel
to practice feeling how i want to feela d
and i know that all that matters is how i feel and
that iccreate
all of life with how i feel i know this
i know this i know this for sre
from life experience
i love that ig et to feel it just get to feel good in general
and celebrate life
celebrate life celebrate life celebrate life
that is the feeling that is the feeling
so grateful for this day
for cooler air for cool neighbors
for a life i love to know i have it
all to feel
totally fuf
fulfilled i feel totallyfulf
and i know i get o cho
to get
get to choose that feeling first
and it’s always right here with me
the feeling of knowing
and then life just gets
so much easier when i have knowing life
just getrs so
so much easier i love that i get to drop into the feeling right now
and feel it get to feel it always
get to feel it wen
whenever i want and know that there is no
no limit
to how fulfilled i can feel
i take my time with this work
make the time for this work
because this work
is teh only creator
what do i really want??
what am i seeking?
where do i think i’m going?
i know that nothing that happens in the future
will make me feel any different
i know this and i know that i need to make
my goal
my only goal
the only thing i seek
to be total satisfaction
in the moment
the feeling of the flow
the feeling of the flow the
feeling of the flow
the feeling of the flow
finding total satisfaction in the moment
because nothing outside of it
exists and nothing otside
outside of it will make me feel
any better than i can chosoe to
to feel right now and i know that
all of life is practicing these feelings
i know that these feelings are my power
i love that i get to feel
energized by life i love that i get to allow the best of life
to flow through me i love that i
get to feel good get to feel the flow get to feel the flow
get to
feel good get to feel god
knowin that
god is
just feel as if it alraedy
already is and know that is teh only
action to ever take i love that i know this
an di get to feel it i
get to feel the truth
of life i get to feel the truth of god
i love that it already is the way i want it to be
i love feeling community
i love feeling
i love that i never have to wonder
i love that i know the
feeling i love feeling succss
i love
actually asking myself what i want
what do i really want?
and its to feel a certain way about and in my life
and i know it doesn’t have to do with
certain outcomes
its all about the way i feel in my life
andi can choose that feeling right now
its the feeling of life
love i love that i get to feel the feeling of love
i love that i get to
feel the feeling of love
i love feeling good i love
feelin i love feeling
connected i love feeling powerful
in the power of me i love feeling
in my power i love feeling knowing i love
feeling secure i love feeling confident
i love feeling rich i love feeling wealthy
i love feeling abundant
i love feeling love i love that lfo
love is the ultimate feeling and i can
always default to love
and appreciation
that’s why if allyou do is feel gratitude
your life works out becasue
you’re creating with that feeling i know this i know
i create with the feeling so i’m
aware of how i
how i feei’m aa
aware of how i feel and when i notice that i’m feeling
a way i dont want to feel
i address it
because i dont want to create a life with more f
that feeling and just by dooing this
its so easy to feel good
to feel the d
depts ho
of how good life can be
it feels good to
feel good
to feel how good life can be
it feels good to love myself to love my life to love
where i am right now it feels good to
feel good right now
feeling good
feeling the love the love of life the lust for life
just knowing that the only action
the only action there is
the only action ther
is feeling that’s all i can do!
i know this
and life always reflects it i love that i know this
that i’ve seen it so many times i love that
i know that i’m creating in every moment
with my feeling and so grateful that
ig et to feel good that i enver
have to wonder just feel
just feel how i want
i am allowing this feeling
i allow this feeling i allow the feeling of love
adn god
and god to build up inside of me i know the
power of me and i use it i knokw the
i know the pwoer of me i know the power
of me i know the power of me i know
that power of me and i feel it and i know that all of life
is about culitvatig this feeling
so i use my techniques to stay with this feeling
and don’t allow anything esel to
and i know that is the soultion
to everything i know that is
the solution to everything i love that
it already is
i love that it already is