the feeling the feeling just return to the feeling and know that i
is all there is just return to the feeling and know that is
all there is i dont have to care i dont have to live like this
i dont have to live like this in a fucking chore prison
fucking chore prison with the fun police
i dont have to live in chore prison with the fun police
i love that i dont have to crae i love that i dont havve
to care i love that i dont have to wonder i love that i never hae
have to wonder i love that
i neer
never have to wonder i love that
i never have to wonder
i get to choose
i get to choose i can always choose i can al ways choose
the feeling and i dont have to care i dont
even have to care i never
i have god i am god that is
all that matters i wish i w
in a perfect world
in a perfect world in a perfect world
how would i feel in a perfect world how would i feel in a prefect
perfect world how would i feel
i a perfect world how would i feel how ouw
would i feel how ow
the focus on how would i feel that is all that matters
how do i want to feel
how would i prefer to feel how wouldi pre
prefer to feel how would i prefer to feel
i want to feel good i want to feel good i want to feel
how do i want to feel?
how do i want to feel how do i wan to feel
i want to feel good i wnat to feel the flow i want ot feel
happy i want to feel free i want to feel free