i know this i love slipping into the feeling i love
feeling good nwo i love that i get to fe
get to feel the focuso n how i want to feel
i love that i get to feel good
get to feel the flow
the flow
flowing the flow flowing
i love that i get to tap into it
tap into the truth feel the truth of life
feel the flow of life
feel the flow of life
feel the flow of life
so grateful to be here now.
so grateful to be here now
to get to sit in the sun
to get to work out to e
get to feel strong and able in my body
to get to sit on my poer
porch and enjoy life
to say yes to life right ow
to get to
eat fresh baked bread
almost every day
so grateful for my office
and my bedroom
and our workout area
and how this is the perfect house
so grateful for this life for this flowing
to want to work so grateful tow ant to
to do my work to love my work
to be a waorking artists
so grateful to get to feel the flow
of life
flowing through me
to get to feel good now feel the flow right now
feel life right now i love that i
get to feel it the
flow of life the
magick of life so greteful
i know it and i get to celebrate it
i love that i get to feel good
that i get to
tap into the truth of life
that i get to feel the truth of life
right now and the only work
the only work is feeling good
i love that i know this i love
that life is flowing through me
to me and through me
so grateful for this day for this focus
to feel good again to feel good again
to not mb
be fighting negative thoughts
so grateful for this day
for where ia m right now
for the ease and flow ofl ife
to feel so at peace in my life
as it is right now
i’m taking my time doing this work
not rushing through it because this work
the feeling work
is the only work i know this work
the feeling work
is the only work i choose to feel i choose to
feel it and then it is i choose to feel
the feeling of total fulfillment and i am
i lo ethat i know that
that i know this that i get to do it i get to do it now i get to
to do it now i love that i
get to that i get to feel good
that i know how to tune myself
that i know the feeling and i get to choose it now that
i know the feeling
that life is
on my side
i’m hre
here making the time to
be the version i want to be
to embody the version
i already am i
in the flow in the flow
feeling good i feel good now i al
the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true
of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mind
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
totally confidnet
i love that i know this is my work
and the only work is the feeling and
i get to choose it
i get to feel it right now
i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
that i think i’ll feel in the tur
i get to feel it right now
i get to feel it right now
i get to bring it into this moment
and feel the truth of if ei love that
i get to i love that i get to
feel good nwo
i feel good now
i get to feel good i geto
i love that i don’t have to care
that i get to make the choicet o feel good about it right now
i get to make the choice to not
care and that is the only work i love that i know
that is the only work and i get to choseo
choose to feel good now for me
i get to choose to feel godo now for me
i get to choose
to feel
how i want to feel and drop the rest and i know this
is the secret to lfie
therefore i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appea
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
the divine consciousness
that i am
is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore ia m totali locly confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundanct
all sufficiency in my life
and affairs
i love that i get to choose it i get to choose
how if eel and release the rest
i gt to cho
to enjoy life an
i can always slip right back into enjoyig life
i can
always return to it
i can always let the rest go and jsut enjoy
just feel good i can always just feel
good and if eel good now
i feel good now i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel
the feeling of the resolution
i feel good i
i feel the god self i feel totally
confident in letting go
and letting god
appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs
letting go and letting god and
i love that i get to