the feeling is easy

i get to wake up feeling good because i
trust life i trust the flow of life i trust the flow of life

and i know the truth

there is only one truth
and that is that the feelin precedes all of life
as long as i remember this truth
i am the master of this creation known as life i know
tis ony

its only ever me and what i look for what i e
expect what i feel i get tochoose
how i feel and thte the feeling drives the rest

i come here because this is a fitness
and i want to keep it up i wan to

to keep up feeling good and remembeirng that
all ic an ever do i

is releasae is not lookat it

all i can ever do is not look at it i know this
i know this
i celebrateknwo
knwoing this that

the only thing is the easiest thing
and the hardest thing bu mostl

easiest thing and that snothing

i know that all ican do
all i can ever do is nothing
and i c

i drive life with how i feel i drive life
with ow i f

how i feel i drive life
with how i feel i dreive life with how i feel

i choose it and then it is and i come
ehre to keep

up with that fitness

the fitness of the powr of me the power of the
feeling p
the power f

the poweer of choosing the feeling i prefer
the p

power of choosing the feeling i prefer
the power

fo choosing loe
loe the poweerr of choosing love hte

the poer

the power of this fitness
of the relae
the release of choosing the feeling of choosing the

release of rmembeirng
the one single tr

truth tht its only eve me
that its only ever meand a

and all i a
can ever do is not look atis

let the light of myself shine
on all that is knowing that i am
the illuminator
and the illuminated

i am it and i know the feelingo f res

of resonating with the
that truth i knwo the feeling
of the truth is

is the feleing oi

feeling i seek and that seeking it outside
of me i will never dind

it os grate
so grateufl to knwo the truth
that its in me that

its here now t
the feleing

the feleing is here now
and it doens’t come from
anything it come frosm

trusting life
from saying yes to life i do this work
to feel good to say yes to life
because i want to feel bee

good i want to enjoy life iw ant to celeate


celebrate life i want to allowl ife to flow

i’m focused onthe true source

i’m focused on thet rue sourca
and i now tht its never outside of me
i know the truth i

i nkow the one truth a
dn i live

i life
live by it i celebate it i c

what i have i allow myself to
just be grateful for what i have

just be gratful fr
for what i have
just be grateful for what i have

just be grateful for what i have
i allow msyelf to
just exist
to not look it to let it go comeplte


i get o o k
i know that the feelig is
i seek is the eeling the feeling of the magick
i now that

the only thing ever missing
is the miag
magick of life

i know that and i know the magick is right her
i know i get to choose it and i nwot hat ic an

keep on choosing it ad its here and

no its here right now i get to cchosoe it and then

its here i get to choose it and then its her e

its here i get to choose it and then its here i get to
chooe it

choose it and then its here i
get to choose it i get to l
let it

it go i get otnot look at it
i et to c

trust the
life i get to wka

wake up feeling good because i trust
life i trsut every mometn i gu

i tstut eh i trsut the flow
i tsrut

trust life i trstu life

i’m focused
at the center of knowi that

nothing matters i
get to wake up feeling good
becausee i trust

i get to trust whatever happens
i get to know

trust whatever happens get to trsu

trut teh funo
unfoldin gof life im

here to do the work the fitness
of the feelig to come

here to feel the feeling the true
feeling of life the

the feeling the feeling
the feeling

i love the ower the power of not
caring i love the power of me

i loe ht
the power of the pracice i love hte
the contrat creating

i love being aware

i love that i know that i’m always becoming i love that i know
that i’m

always becoming
i love that i know
that i’m always becoming

i am alawys becoming
more god i love that
i know the truth
of life

that i get to eeak
wake up feeling good because i ttust

i trsut life
becuasee i have love because i know that
life reflects me

that’s all i need to know thats

all i need ro
to remember that itsnot outsie of me
its not

up to ome outsdie forsc


its ntohing outsoe some of me its not real
its all me itsa alll i me i can

and i celebrate what i made
i love what im

i made im so greateul vor
for what i ah
have for the

the best part the

part the

best and the a

easist theing i love that
all i can do is not look at it
i love that i get to not
not look at it
and trust it