i get to feel the feelings i want to feel i am
the feelings i feela nd id o th
do this work to feel good to fell good in
feel good in my life to feel heppy
happy in my life to live fully
today i decide to live fully
today i decide to live fully
i love that i’m here and i love that i get to feel how i want to feel
i’m here to focus on how i want to feel i’ here to practicce
how i want to feel because that is the only work and that is
the origin of all creation
i’m here i’m here
i’m here to feel the feelings i feel the feeling of knwoing
i feel the feeling of release i feel the
feelng of knowing we’ll never be poor again
i love that ig et to chosoe the
feelign i love that i get to choose the feeling of love for
loves lost
i love that i get to choose teh
feeling of love and know that love predeced a
precedes all experience
i love that i get
i feel engaged in life i feel excited about my life
i feel the energy of life flowing through me i feel
i feel excited i feel knowing i feel the rela
i love our orders i love the
flow i love the
feeling i love the feeling of knwoing of saying yes of
jumpig in tto
i get to feel good i get to feel the
feelings i want to feel
i feel engaged in my life i feel that
life is giving me everything i allow i
feel good in my life i love my life i’m grateful for my life
i feel that i am living to the fullest
through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply
totally confident
i am empowered i am
happy i am part of a thriving community
i love love
i am loved ia m
i am valued i am respected ilove
i love that i get to choose it
i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
i love that i know i get to choose life
with the feeling and its so easy to choose i love that
tis’ so
it’s so easy to choose and practic
i feel empowered by my life and my workk
i feel totally confidne t
in letting go and letting life i can allow life
to live me and i know i never have to try or force or wondder
i can always trust the moment
and i know thsd for fact
i know this through expreience
i get to bless thism om
this moment i get to bless this day i et t
get to say yes to this moment
to this day i get to love myself i love myself
i am confident in who ia m
i love who i am i love the life i chose i am
so proud o the life i chose i love that
ig et to life how
live how i want to live
i get to feel empowered i get to
i am grateful i am loving i am flowing i am
energized by life i love life i
allow all the best of life to lf
flw through mei tune myself
to the vibration of god i live
in the vibration of god and it rsut
i trst
trust the rest i trust the rest i choose the
feelings i want to feel i pracicce
the feeling i wnat to feel i feel the feeling
of the desire fulfilled i feel the
feeling of the desire fulfilled
i am the feeling of the desire fulfilled
i am
the desire fulfilled
i am the feeling
i am the desire
and the feeling of it being fulfilled
as soon as the desire is born
it is created and i know this i know this
i know that
feeling is the secret i know that
feeling is the
creator of all things i love that i know
this and i get to choose teh feeling
i feel the feeling of success i feel the feeling of cuss
success and i know its just a feeling i know that all of life
is a feeling and i get to feel it
if i feel that something is missing i can just
feel the feeling of having it and
then it is created i love that i know this
and that i get to live fully
get to live with a lust for life
get to love life
get to choose life get to live that life
so grateful i know that
i kno the
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of diving abu
divine abundance is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy whichi is
continuoulys easily and effortlessly pourding forth
from my divine consciousness
i am now aware
i am now in the flow
i love that i know it i love that
i am it i love that i am i am the feeling i am the flow
i feel the feeling of knowing the
feeling of belonging the feeling of making good work
the feeling ofl oving
of loving my life i feel the
feeling of lust for life i feel the
feeling and the li
life reflects that i know there’s nothing missing
i kno
i know there is never anything missing besides god
and the god feeling is the only owrk
i kn
i know that the god feeling
is the only work
not caring what happens and loving
everything that is