and if i try to hard
to feel the flow
force the flow
then nothing comes because
by way of looking
for the flow
you push it away
you can’t find it because it is always here and
the more you
look for it the more you create a
reality in which you are looking for it and when
you celebrate knowing it is here then
of course
it is
and that’s the secret is not in
the finding of it but the allowing
it to be here the allowing it
to be what it is no matter what that
is and facing up to the fact
that i will never be in charge so
my only goal is to know that
right now
is perfect
all i’ve ever found
that “works”
is relaxing and letting go
and i can feel t hat the more i try
the worse i feel and i can
feel that this
tightness is about
a need to control or see the
future or know the future
which i can choose
to know in this here and now and i can
choose to celebrate the
of life in this here and now i cam
am celebrating the truth of life
in this here and now
i celebrate life
the truth of life and i can let go
of the rest because i know i’m not in control
i know i’m not in control
i feel goo
i can feel the feeling
i can feeling the feeling i can feel the feeling i can
the feeling i this here and now i allow
well being in th
this here and now
i allow well being inthis
and now i allow
alignment i thi
this here and now i allow the alignment
to speak for itself
my attunement to th
the highest power
the isness of life ican feel myself
tuning into the powre of
power of life i can feel myself
tuning in to the power of life
thanks god for everything
is all i ever need to think
aobut athnk
thanks go for
for everything and the more
i remember to tune myself toward
the better i feela nd i love
that it’s easy to let go
and just feel how i want to feel
knowing that life
has no choice but to
witht he sam
i love that i get to
choose to feelg
good about life i love that
i get to feel good now
i already have the feeling right now
and my power
is in knowig that and the periods
of inaction
allow me to feel that i love tha t
i know they are clamouring
i love the better it gers i love
that i’ve let that go i love feeling
self actualization
of looking for signs of improvement
i’m looking for evidence of
what i want to see and that’s
all i can do
all i can do is look for what i want to
see and choose to feel the
feeling righ tnow
knowing that i can
can’t change
a thing
besides howi feel
i’ve decided to be happy
where i am no
and not resist life
i’ve decided to be happy how i am
and not resist life
i’ve decided
to love this here and now
and everything it holds i’ve decided to
feel the
feeling because i’ts how i’m mesnt to
meant to feeland
and it feels good i amke
make the cohice o feel to feel how
i want to feel and i love that
i’ve let that go i love that
it’s quite easy
just don’t wory
it’s that easy
just don’t worry
don’t worry
be happy
that’s my only job
not even
i am here doing the work
and the work alwyas works
i lean intothe fow
the flow becuas
beause i
because i ant t
want to feel my best
thank you for my health
than kyou
for a car to borrow
thank you for a good lunch
thank you
thank you for this life
thank you for this
moment in this here and now
and thank you for
alignment thank you for
helping me remember that
it’s all me i created all of
and there’s no such thing as
lack thank you for
helping me
remember who i am thank you
for healthy kitties thank you
for a warm coat and a warm hat
thank you for boot thank you
for a warm house than kyou
for hot water
thanks for free beers!
thanks for orders coming in!!!
thanks for all the payments
thanks for the payment from dewayne
thanks for good wok tha
work that i lok
i like thank you thank you tahnk
thank you for everythi
all i can do is let go
let it flow let life flow
to me and allow allow life
to take care
of life
thank you for the good life
thank you
for this life
thank ou
you for this life
thank you for this life
thank youf rot
for this life and knowin
knowing that life is long
thank you for the feeling
of connection
with spirit and thank you for
bravery to let go
to trust this oment
and it comes its always coming
and i can relax into the knowledge
just noticed everything that is
pouring toward me and i have to admit
i have it very good
just focus on what’s working and not
what’s not and it feels good to
let go of the rest it
feels good to take the big leap
and appreciate life it feels good
to celebrate life for me
and let go of the rest
to really do the wrok
because the practice of
feeling good
feels good it feelsg ood to
to really do the work to practice to
do the work and feel good it feels good
to dot he work
the work and feel t