the flow is always flowing and the feeling is always there

i can always feel connected to god
no matter what and i can always feel connected in this
here and now i can always feel the feeling
of knowing i can always feel th feeling
the feeling of knowing that iam god
am god and i never havet o be
to be afraid i love doing the work i love wanting
to do the work i love knowing

the powr of the work i love that
i ge to to feel good to feel elevated and i love that
i get to use my power
as god to affect anything
i love that i get to celebrate

this day i

i love that i know i love that
i love this i love that i love this day i love
that i get to
do me i love that i get to enjoy this day no matter

i love that i get to do to do me i love that
i get to do me i love that i get to do me i love that
i get to feel good i love

where i am right now i love doing hi
this work the only work that mattr

matters and connecting to spirit
i love that i know
i am sprit

i love seeing it reveal itself i love
in myself i love
where i am right now i love
where i am

right no wi lov

i love where i ma

right now

i know life is only ever energy and it
can only reflect me i know that life can only
ever reflect me and i love that i know this


because it helps me remember that
it’s only ever me that i am the one and only
creator of my reality and there’s
nothing outside of me

and i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good to feelthe
the feeling to lean into the flow i ge tto feel
good and lean into the flow
i get to

to choose what i prefer
and use my


to cahnge
change the energy around it and iknow
that the contrast is always
helping me shore up the vibration
that i prefer and i love that
i get to choose that i get to

to choose the energy and remember that life
only ever reflects me i’m the only one
and i am the one

the one and only creator of my life
experience i love that i get to choose
the ersio
versoin i prefer
the version i prefer i love
that i get to choose that
i get to love that i get to feel

the feeling of love int his he
this here and now i love that i
get to choose i get to choose
i get to use my will power


to create the version i repfer

i prefer i love that i get tofeel
to feel good that i can always feel the
feelig of r

of relief i love that
it is always revealing itself i love
that i can always do the work
for me i lov that

that i can alsy


always do the work for me i love that
i can always feel at ease
in my life i love

my smoking closet

i love that

i get to feel good i love that i
can do it for me i love that i know i can
do it i can feel the feelig

i know that i am god i know that
i am god i am the creator and i
can always look for the

the version i prefer
i can always look for the version i prefer

i love feeling lifted i love
feeling connecteed t

to spirit i love doing the
work myself i love tat i
that i can always fo the

do the work myself i love
feeling the empowerment of
doing the work myself i love
that the flow is flowing
i love that the flow is flowing
i love

that i know everything is always giving me
what i want and i can alwys


what is i love

that i can always celebrate what
is i love that i know it’s only
ever me i love that i get to chosoe i love
i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to hoose

to choose what i look for wan

and how i feel i love that i can do it
i can dot th
the work myself that i can always take
the emotional journey
and look for what i want
to seee

and counting
helps with that because when i’m
counting i’m not

idly creating

i love the power
of me i love

that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to look for what i want
to see i love that i know
god loves me a

and god is everything i love that
i know i love
that we get to have a pool party tomorrow!!!

i love where i am right now i love
this i love the ower
the power of me i love
the feeling of me i love the

the feeling of me i love the feeling of
god flowing through my
veins i love that i know my ad

day is my design i love

i love that i ge tot feel good do

and do the only work taht mater
that matters i love that i know i love
that i know i am the one and only createor i love

where i amr ight niw
i love doing th eork i love feeling good i love
that i get to choose ilove t
i love that iget

i know that i get to choose what i look for
i love that
everything loves me i love taht i am
i am a match i love that i feel good i love

the better it gets i love the better it gerts
i love letting go i love letting go
of resistance
i love tha ti don’ t have to care

i love that it’s not my probelm


it’s gods i love that i know i love
where i am right now i love
feeling calm y

in my life i love that i know
everything is going my way i love
feeling connected to self
to spirit

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and place my entire focus on the god
within as the only casue of

cause of my prosperity
i acknoweledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my
financial affairs as the substance
of all things visible

i place my faith in the prinicple
of abundance within me

i love that i can
place the faith within and
watch the
world unfold i

i know that i am infinite
i am ust

just a simulation and that
this simulation is just for fun
i love that i can alwys choose
to enjoy the here and onw to focus
to focus in the
here and now adn

raise my vibration







i love that when i look for it
i see it i love knowig that
knowing that i love

doing the work using the feeling
i love that i have
the power to heal

just with my vibraiton
i love tha ti know this
i love celebrating

this day!!!