the focus is all there is the

focus is all there is the focus is all there is
the focus

i wan to
i want to feel good i want to fe
find center i want i want
i know i know i kow its easy i know tis t

its easy for me because i know there is enogh love
to go around i now that love is abundant and i now that
i know that id on’t need anything i know to

i know
god loves me and that’s all there is i know that

the only thing to do is no
to not care and that’s what the work lhe sm

me do and as long i
as i keep up the good work then
i can do anything i know

i kow i i know i can do it

i know i can i kno that i can transcend it
and that’s the real work i loe that i b

get to i love that ig eto tloe
to love it i

ilove that i getot feel it like my own
i know
i know that the feeling is all there is

i have to turn it in my favor when i see that
i have to celebrate it i hae

to celerate

celebrate it atht’

that’s all i can do is celebrate it

the feeling is always

right here the feeling is me the
feeling is me and i am the source i am the source ia

i am the source ia m the sourdc

source of the feeling the
feeling ins

isn’t outsie
of me i know i can surrender
i can say yes

i can say yes ic an

say yes to this i say eys to whatever happens i knowh

i know that the eeling is alwyas right hre wtih me
and the more i celebrate it the better i feel i get to feel good

i surrender to the mystery i surrender to the myster

to to to the feeling to the
power of me i do the owrk for me i do the owrk

to feel good to have fun to enjoy i do the owrk

to wnejoy to ee
feel good to feel good
to feel good

i do the wrok t
work tof

to feel good and thats’ all i can is feel good no

all i can do
is feel good now all i can
do is

remember what i know

i come hre to rmember what i know to tune myself to the vibration of me

to tue

tune myself to the vibration of me
to cut that loost to cut that vibration loose


and that’s the real wor kand tha’s that’s whati’m ging to

to do i’m cttig i

i’m cutting that loose becuase i can’t live th
liek that i can’t live tlike that so i o the

do thw i do the work to transcend it
becuase i can’t lie


all i can do is relax in the now because i dont

wnat to feel that way and i can feel it
starting already an i

and if dont nip
it in tahe bud now s
o i

so i do the work and i let igt
it go becaus i can’t allow yself

to caare i can’t allow myself to care

all ic an do is surrender to bliss
to s

i can do it i can do it i can do it

i can do it it
i can do it i get to celebrate it my new thing is to
celebrate it

my new thing is to celebrate it

i can do it i know the power of me i know the pw

power of me i know the power of me i know i know

the power of me

i know the poer of i know i know the feeling is the secret i know the
feeling is the secet o

i know i don tneed a reason i celebrate i celebrate i celebate

i celebrate because it means
i’m free free from attachment ire m

it reminds me to let go
to release the tension it reminds me that iam

i am athe relase

the feeling is eek is here when i stop
seeking i

i know that i know that i
release the rubber band i release the
rubber band

i have to find a way because i can’t

continue caring i can’t

continue caring

i’m the source i’m the source i’m the source and this
is the work this is the owrk this is the work

i’m the source i decide i decide

i decie i decide i decide i can be me i can be the god self
release the llo

looking outside



why amd i here

to remember to rememer

it’s only eer me

i dont have to palnt
or thingk aout thepast or turnate

just exist no

the rsti doesnt matter

that rest doesnt matter

ther esst
doesnt matter

i know i dotn care id ont hacare

i just dont ca rei dont i can

i can’t care i can’t care i can’t care i can’t care

i can’t care

i’m here

why am i her why am i here

to feel good

to releas e attachemtn

to remember it enveroutside ot
of me

i’m lookiign for loack
im vibra

i’m vibratint ack when i se that

it feels like that

lack when i
see that it feels like alck

lakc is an illusion

when i see that i feel alck
i feel that there was something that iddn’t get

it hurts me

it hurts the part of me that thinks
i’m separate

it hurts

the part of me that thinks i’m separate

i reelsae the tesnion

becaues it never goint o be that

it’s never goint o be that and

and i dont need that its not mys source when i see that i return to source

i sa thank uou because that’s god loving me

i want to not care

i want to not care
i want to not care

i relese t
the tensoin

because life is in the magick i releas the tensoin becuase life is

in the magick

all i can ever do is relase and

right now

all i can ever do is release and feel bliss right now

i know that the the feeling is lways here and i’m doing the work
i know i cand o i

i can transcende it i can resuts

to i hve to

i have to r
refuse to car i have to stand up t

to my ghotuhat

anothers attentoin dosnt’ takea way from my own

the work always works the work always wrok

works i know i know the work always works and the only
thing that is going thlep me have a good ay is

to keep of

up the good work

keep up the good work

drop it into the ground
but all i can do is stay here until

i’m solved until i’m put pa
back tother

again i’m neraly thre
i knot ath ti it happens when

i see something that i think somone else is getting that i’m not
and if
i can just stay

centered when i see that i
would feel better

i want tosmething waomthing something
i need something
i need something

i feel lack i see someone

if she can do it i can do it

but i dont want to need it dont wnat to care what i want is to nt care

at all i wnt to not care i want to not i
are but its not fucking fair

but its ok its ok i dont care i dont care
beucase i kow i know

god loves i know that god always loves me no atter
metter aht
i know god loves me i know i can do it ic an do it

i feel secure in knowing that whatever happens is in my favor