the god journey

the god switch
the god feeling and that’s all i need
at any moment i look and i see i look and i see

what i want to see i love that i get to look for what
i want to see that i get to feel for what i want to feel

grateful for this day
for orders!!

for the new unemployment
for jeanette and her amazing food

for our bikes!!

for the clouds being our friends
for naps for all the time in the world

for the best life
for yummy food!!!

so grateful for yummy food

grateful for this here and now
for this here and now for this god moment for the god flowing
so grateful it didn’t run

so grateful for another successful campaign

so grateful for friends who support our work
sog ratefu

to feel the god feeling to tune myself to the god feeling
to feel the feeling of god
to look at it as god does

so grateful to look at life
as god does

gratefl for my life
to wake up feeling good to want to feel good
to feel the feeling of god flowing
through me

knowing there’s nothing
that could ever be missing from
my life

besides god and if i thinki need
somehting outside of me

all i need is god i know that all in ever need is god i know
that all there is is
god i know tha ti am g

i kno wthat i am god that i
get to choose the god feeling no matter what that
i get to

grateful to feel good now
so grateful for my charmed life so
grateful for my charmed life and i
that i get to

feel the feeling of the god that
ig et to celebrate the flow
on the bus that ig et to love

and allowl ife to be
my energy i lov that
i get to i love that i
get to feel good i love

that life loves me i love
that i know life loves me i love i love doing this work i love

doing thie

this work i love

doing this work

i love that
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it
that i
get to ali

align with
it i get to align with the energy of
god ii get to

live life as if i’m god
i get to decide i get to make the hcoi

i feel good now i feel the flow now
i feel the

god certainty i feel the go certainty and that’s
all i nedd i love

i love doing this work i love doing this wrk
i love making the choice i love
that i can enjo life here i can allow it
into my life i can allow i get to allow

i get to allow

feeling the god energy flow through me
knowing the god self knowing the god self

is my source and my supply
and i come here everry day to remember that
and practice what it feels like

remember that i am

to remember what i am to remember the
power of me

to remember the version i’m creating
i come here to remember the version i’m creating

i come here to remember to flip the switch
to praict flipping the swtich

flipping the swtich i know that is the only work flipping the
switch is the only work i love hat

i love that i know this i love that
i know this i

that i get to feel the feeling of
being filled up by god i love that i get to choose
to be filled up by god
i love that
i get to feel the
i love

that i get to feel what it feels like to be god i love
that i get to choose knowing on allf ronts
fronnts i love that
i get to celebrate that i love
that i get to celebrate that

i love that i get to tune myself i love
where i am right now what i am right now

i love what i am right now

i love what i am right now

i feel good i feel good i feel the
flow i feel the fow

i feel god i know god i know that

i know god and that is my source and my supply
i love that i nkow that

that i nkow thiss that i know the
truth ofl ife the

i know that i can always flip the swich i love

remembering who i am
what i am capable of

i know what i am capable of
i know what i am capable of

i know what i am i know what i am
i know what i am
i know what i

i know what i am capable of i love that
i kno wit’s al

it’s all energy and i get to choose the
energy i love that i
get to feel the
energy of me

i love that i

get to choose the feeling of me
i love

i feel energized i feel god i know that
i am god i know what i am

capable of i celebrate what i know
i am capable of

i celebrate what i know i can
i celebrate what i am

the power of me when i put

my “mind” to it

when i really decide to try i know that

what i can do i know that i am
i know what i am i know that it’s

always matching me
life is

always matching the energy of me i love that
i feel the relief of knowing that i am
god i love knowing that life is

always flowing to and through me i love that
i am aware of the energy i love that i am
aware of the energy and i know how ot od th

to od th

to do the work to transmute it

and i now that

i know that everything is just energy