the magic feeling

today i et to feel the magic feelig and nkow
now that life alays follows to c
today i choose the magic of life flowing throughm e today i choose th magic o flife

of life flowing through me otdya i feel themagic of life
flowing through


i get to feel good i get to feel the magic of life i get to

feel and know the one aodn only and only truth and its that

i am

i know that i am and tahta’ that’s all that mataters
matters i nkow that i am
i know that i am

i am is all there is the feeling of i am is all ther eis and
im so grateful i know so
easay to transmute
to enjoy

the magic of life to know the magic ofl ife is always flowing my

so gaetfl to get to have a good day and love
so graeful
grateful to loe so grateful to love

today i feel the god feeling and now its
its truth i now that there is always mre than enough

i know that

i get to choose the feeling i would prefer to feel and thats the
feeling of knwoing god of chooosing god of

choosing the magic lfie of choosing the good life

the feeling of god the feeling of knwoing the

fo knwoing the feeling of ia mand not caring about the
rest the feeling of knowing god and not
needing anything else the feeling of knwoing and trusting god
the feeling of knwoing
and trusting god and i
i love that ig etto
i ilove

that i get to feel the feeling right now
knowing the god loves met hat im taken care of

choose the magic feelign and know that is all
there is i know that life is magic and its

always alawys alawys me and h
wat i choose i chooes the magic
of i am

no matter what and know thats all there is
i choose the magic of ia m

choose the magic of i am

i get to feel good now the feeling i wnat t
want to feel ig et to feel it now the feeling i want to feel
i get to
feel it now the feeling i want to feel

i get to feel it now and that is the one and only

power the one and only power is choosing how i want to feel
right now and that is the feeling and excitement of god flowing through me

i know that i dong need anything else
i love that i knwo that tis la

its already here that i am the srouce of the god feeling that
ia m the porxi

proximity to god that t
god is all there is and i get to choose to simply not care

i ge to chooe to not care i get to choose to not

i choose it and it is
what would i prefer then ??

what would i want intead
becaue i dont want tog oi
wasnt ready and i dont want to so /???

why am i choosing to resist getting what i want??

i love that i get ot

i love that i get to choose i dont have to c
go there well

responsibility for the version i create then
what do i want instead
its too easy to just decide

i love that i feel validated by god and know
that i am already totlaly fulfilled

i love waking up totally fulfilled and know ght
knowing that whtaever coms my way is the rpef
perfect thing
i love nto ccaring what happens

i love not caring what others do i love not
ccaring what others do i love that

that others actions dont affect me
i love that id ont have to care because im with god

im flying with god and taht is
the ersion i prefer
flying with god and allowing
getting out of th way
the way and allowign my heart to sing
i love when

i feel genuiinely happy
i love that i can choose to

i love that i dont care what happens i love that
my happiness doesnt

depend on that i kno wthat the
god within is my total fulfillmendt

i trsut ver
everything that happens i trust god i know
god always brings me the best and
whatever is happening is
gods gift to me i know that everything that ahppens
is gods gift to me

what i prefer is not caring what others are doing

what i prefer is not caring just
feelign the feeling of knwoing of

completeness with god im
complete with god i

k now im the ource of olove i know that is is the sourcce of life
i i know that life reflecst me i know that i life that

life is unfolding perfectly i nwo taht i dont have to care i love htat
id ont have to care

what o i prefer becaue im creating i so every time
i think i cant believe she is preventing my joy i can think

i can believe im god and i get to decide how i feel i get to
decide how life flows throughm e
i get to feel the god feeling adn allow life to reflect it

i get to turn my attentiont o god

how do i prfer to feel happy and not
looking outside of me for my valdue

excited about my life
about the flow of me oabout

lust for life about knwoing life is good i know
life is good and i now life lovees me
i love all the new

things that rea open for me
i love that we get to love someone together i love that
it always unfolds perfectly i love
that i

get to let it i love that i ge tot let it

i love that i gt to choose a lust for life
what i prefer is to feel happy

totally fulfilled i have found the secre tot life

its me i get to choose