the magic life

the flow life the loving life
the easy life the knowing life the knowing

life the knwoing life the knowing life

thank you for the magic of life for the one
and only truth for the loving feeling

for the choice to feel the loving
the loving feeling the knwoing feeling
the f
yes feeling the focus on the one
and only trugh

the focus on the one and only
truth on
being the source as
on being the one and only source the focus
on being the one and only

source the focus on being
the one and only source

the ease and flow
of being the sourcce of
allowing life
of allowing life
of allowing life

the one and only truth of awareness
and i love that i get tot feel
it g

get to feel the freedom
of certainty
i get to feel the freedom
of certainty i love that
i get to feel it get to allow
it to expand


to expand in it
the freedom of the here a ndo w
the freedom of not caring of choosing knwoing instead
ofd oing it in the air

the freedom of doing it in the air

the feeling of the feeling
the freedom of certatinty
i love that i know that i don thave t
to coner
wonder that i know its

tis all love i knkow is all love
i now its all love

the focus on the
one and only truth the focus on the one and only truth

fcous on the one and only thru
truth of life the one and only

truth of lfe the

the feeling
the feeling is all there is
the knowig is all there
is choosing is all there is

knwoig is all there is the choice
is all there is
saying yes and yes


is all there is al
saying yes and yes is all there is
saying yes and yes
is all there is feeling the knwoing is
all there is

is all there is is all there is
is all

there is is all there is

is al ther is is all there is
the one and only truth the one and only

and i nkow i

is all there is the feelin
the knowing the

falling out the falling wa

everything falling away
and making the choice to return
to the one and only

i seek the one and only place i seek
the peace and quiet

the solace

the security the knwoin ght
he knowing the trust

the co

total confidence and im so grateful for
life for
to life for giving me the contrast to

help me focus to help me fcous on the
veresoin i prefer to ehlp me create the
version i prefer

the one and only foucs
the one
and only focus

the one and only truth and i know it
i never havet to
wonder just trust t

just let go and trust

i know i nkow th

the truth
the one and only truth

the one and only truth
the one and only truth
so gateufl to know to remember to feel good
to feel the flow to feel
the total confident

to knwo it to pracit it
ti allow it tob uild it

celebtat knwoing it
to celebating

knowing its

the one and only truth to trelax
in knwoing it
relax in knowing it
to feel the freedom of
allowing it to build toa lo

allowing life allowing life
allowing to

total confidence to
be me to be the version i am to
be the version to be the version to

really be it to really be it i loe that i get to be
it that i get to feel the god self get to ccelebate th
the god self the knwoing self
the knwoing self

the knwoing self the knwoing


the one and onlly truth
the feeling and thats’ what
decides am i brave enough to choose the
feeling or am i going to

leave it up to change


choose the feeling
do the recon on the feeling place
ahead with the feeling practice

practice the feeling
practice the feeling

practice the feeling

become it thats the only it
way its is the onoy

be it beocme be
becomes it

become it

thank you for the feeling of the knwoing
risding for the
knwoing rising for h

the knowing rising
for the freedom for the knowledge
for the practice

for the choice
for teh choice
for the choice

the one ando nly choice the one and only
feeling and i now it
get to choose it get to

to practice it
get to choose it get to

to practice

the one and
only truth the one and
only truth


its all the
its all the

the truth
the truth
its all the truth

thats that t
one and only truth i choose it with the feeling

i kow its going to be magic
i know i am magic i nkow i can
feel the god self whenever i want
i know its here with me

i know the feeling and i chooe it
i releaes the rest i am
brave enough to release the rest
and drive it with the feeling

the one and only truth
and i now its me i am
brave enough to choose it i am
brae e

enough to choose it ia m
brave enough to choose


i am brave enough to choosee it

to choose it to choose it
to choose it
the one and only truth
the feeling i want to feel the
connection with god i knwo

the rest follows i knwo it must i now it hs to i
i nkow that is lif

i get to choose it!