the only work

first i do the only work and i now
it always works

its eay to feel good when i dont care
when i focus on love when i
focus on love on how i want to feel

i focus on how iw ant to feel
and i nwo its eay to train my mind
towrad feeling good toward feeling the loving
feeling i want to feel

i love when we’re nice to each other and lovey dovey
i love that we really do love e
each other and im so gateful i found my sweetie
the absolute best and most patient wife

i love being good to her and doing everything for her ecause
she does evyerhting for me i love
taking care and feeling good i loe feeling
love i love that i alays have my sweetie

the only work the not caring work the
being swee t swork

enjoying life work th
the creatin the version i prefer work


the not caring work i love that i no longer care and j
it just takes a day i know when i need a day and its up to me to take it i love

i love that i get to feel good that i get to feel love
that i get to love i love htat
i g

that i get to choose love i love that i
get to choose me that i get to choose the poweer of me

i do this work to train my foau
focuse to train my feeling to know its up to me
how i feel that i get to choose how i feel
and the

evens of th
of life

i dont have to invent narratives that n
dont feel good

i can take the time ot
to invent narratives that do feel good!!!

its whateverr i want

i love the ease and flow
i love chilling i lovve
enjoying life i love
allowing life to flow through me

i love saying yes and yes
i know its always esasy

easier to say yes and yes

i am waare
i amware
i fot he
fights i ma inventing in my mind
putting me e
on edge

making me not sweet
not afraid to be sweet

im brave enough to love
brave enough to love im
brave enough to love

im brave enough to love

i feel the feeling underneath
the reall feeling the

i get to feel teh bliss

i can us
just choose the bliss n
ad t

at the bottom
of the ocean with god i i

get to feel good and nothing can stop me
i love that i nwo i love that

dont have to invent that i love
that i dont have to invent
that i can b

can releae

i can choose to loave

to expe tthe best i can choose
to releaes
to releas
relax and release

to releax in and release
to expect the best to know

that god is always one my side

to feel the joy that comes with god and know that

every interaction follows that
i know thi i know thai
i ca

i ge tto choose love and this
then it is

choose the verion i prefer

to have tender feelings to
love to release

to havve tender feelings of
loe and appreciation

and i know its as easy ad feeling
as feeling it

the feeling of me the

i never have to wonder i neve have to wonder
to wonder i ne
never have to play out ath
that version i never have to play out that version

choose it choose it choose it
choose it

choose it

i get to choose it i g

get to choose i love that i never have to wonder
i love that i never have to wonder that i get to choose love

that i get to choose love that i
get to be to be the source

that i never have to care that ne
i never have to care what happens
that needing to be right is a prison

a prison i can renounce here and now