Sensation precedes manifesting and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests.
the only feeling the only feeling is knwoing the only
feeling is god and god is alawys here i love that
i get to ffeel the feeling of yese today
i get o choose how i want to feel i get t
have faith i get to c
the only owrk the only work the only
wor kthe only work the only work
the only work the only feeling the only place
the only feeling the only place the god place
thank you for the godo lfie for for having fun
for enjoying life fully
thank you for the fow the flow flowing
flow flowig the god the go
kknwoignt siem tis mit me
i had completel elth
let go thats whay
im here to focus focus on what beig the couser
feeling how i want to feel feelig the feeling i want to feel thatsl
all there is all there is is feeling
the feeling i want to feel
all there is is feeling the feeling i want to feel all
there is is feeling the
feeling i want to feel the
feeling iw ant to feel
choose to feel it now choose to feel it now
im here remembering its me its the focus its the focus
in every moment its the focus in evvery moetn a
nd never letting it go
being aware in evvery moment of how if eel
i’m here i’m here focused because i know the one and only
truth im here happy because i m
i know i am the sourcce
becausee i know that today i get to feel good
and i know its me
i nkow its hleps to see it outside of me
but i hd made peace first
complete peace
and that is the secret to life that is the secret to life
complete peace complete
peace complete peace
im here to fcous on it remember ti
itsn ootu
outside of me its enver the
neve them and the feelng is here with me
i get to feel it
i get to feel it and i know its work siis
ist just focus and this is the only work
its me im the feeling na i
why am i here oh yeah to feel the feeling
i nkow why
to feel the feeling of abundance
to really feel it and knkow that is the only work
today that is the only work
i get to feel at ease i get to feel knowing
i get to
feel abu;ndace what
does have ing it feel like
not caring
can buy whtever not tight
loose with it loose with
i know the feeling i now the feeling i now
the feeling i now that abundance is infinite i know that
god is lavish unfailing abundance
i’m happy
what does rich feel like
not caring
buying whatever i want
not giht loose not tight loose
afraid to be loose with it
holding my breath
is the opposite
im aware im aware of the feeling and i now its so
easy to change it i know its so easy to cahnge
change it to focus on the feeling i prefer and
then everything changes its so eay
the only work i now i am aware of the feeling i am ware of the
feelng and all i can ever do is practice
how i want to feel
i now that life is always on my side
i now for a fact thatl ife
reflects the feeling i knkow that
when i feel rich life flows to me
i love that i now tis
its that easy i love that it know its that easy
feel rich
i feel taken care of i feel life loves me i feel
my life is lush and overflowing with abundance
i love that my life is overflowing with abundance
i know my life is overfl owign with the a
the bills are paid!!!
the rent is paid!!!
what does it feel like wht does it feel like
how would i want to feel
why am i here to reemmber the
focus on the feeling the
feeling that
creates life and
tahts ia ll there is
the feeling that ccreates
life im
here to focus to focus on the
feeling and not give it wawa
away to anytihng else i feel it
and then it is
im here to remember thatim here to remember that
i feel it and then it is
its a matter of practicing the feeling i prefer to feel
the feelign i prefer to feel
the feeling i prefer to feel
i choose it now and it is
choose how i see myself ichoose
how i see myself i choose how i see my life
i am is all there is ia m
i a
is all there is i am
is all ther
there is the feeling i want to feel
trusting knwoing
it already is
i love that it already is i love
i’m here feeling the practice of the feeling i prefer to feel
rich wealthy
i’ h
i’m here remembering the source of me
to pay attention to how i feel in
every moment and feel for how i prefer to
feel feel for what i prefer
and just feel it and it is
the feeling of letting go of
givin it over to god of fully
allowig the god feeling to
of allowing
of allowing the god
feeling of allowing the
god feeling
the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knwoing
the feeling of knwoing
of felease
release of knwoing ti now
of knowing its
now choosing it now
becoming it then seeing it
ita nd then
then its there
every tingle single time
hte only
focus is awareness
the only focus is the feeling of god
this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is indivdualized as me
the reality of me