the only foucs is paying attention to how i feel and
then refusing to feel that way if i dot want
i refuseing
to feel that way if i dont want to
so gateful fro the mirror so th
to show me
grateful to alloww myself love grateufl
to allow myself lov
egreatufl to allow lfov
elove fra
grateufl to allow life to
nothing is everr missing and i know that isup
to to me to go
go the directionless direction
every time
i lo
i know that life is infiitely abbundnct
i see abundce
everywhere i look i
see abundnce everywhere i look
i know that
i can do i i on
i know htat i can release old beliefe
the one and only feeling the one and only power
and i know i can do it i can
enjoy my life i cn a
can enjoy my life i
feel the feeling of total fulfillment
when i am awaer of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfiflled
i know that
i know that nothings missing i nkow that ntohign its midding i revel in my power i revel in my power
i feel pm
my power i feel life coming to me
i know that life is ca
alwayas coming to me i nkow that i can relax and know
that life is always ccoming to me i nkwo tis me
i knwo that i can do ‘it all i havve to is
do is be open to be it being differnece
i’m good at it i’m really good at
it im
really good at it im really good at it
i’m so good at it
sim so good at feeling the feeling
i’m so good at it
its my top skill my stop stk
skill ad i kwo tati
tis alll ic an do
tis all there is its all there is
is awareness thats all i need im find
here and now i deeply accept it i depely l
i choose knwoing i choose love i
choose l
god su
gods unconditional
i lo
i hoose me
i chooe me ad
as the cou
srouce the ony place
it ever comes from i hcoose me as the soruce i choose me
as the source i choose me
as the source i choose me
as the source i
dont think
that’s it its so easy dont think
just focus on the feeling
just focus on the feelin g
just focus on the feeling and tis so easy to feel it nown
it already is it ar
alreayd is i
i can trut fiht now
i can trust right now
i look at attentions source
its me its me its me its me its
its me
its the devotoni im im the source im the source
of my experience im the source of my p
experienceim the im the
im the souce
im the source its me nad i
ai knwo i know the powe of me i knwo i can do it i know i can aod i i know
i’m already there im alreayd
there im already there
i know that im already thtere
its me its
im the source as long as
i see within that’s all i can d
od i know this i knwo this
everywhere i am is abundct
life is always
is constatnly flowig to me life i
alwas flowing to me
i now that iam
awrae of the flow
of well being the raddiation
of creative energy
which is continuolsy
easily and
effortlessly pouring frt
forht from my divine sonc
consciouesnss i am now aware i am
noaw int he flow
i love that i know its mei love that i know
its me i love tha i know its me i loe that life is good
i love that it sworking
i love feeling at eas i ilove feeling releaec i love truting i love knowing
i know that life isalawys on my side
i know that life is alawys on my side
i knwo that all ic an do is feel
how iw atn to feel now
i can feel how iwant to feel now
i can allo lof
love now i can allow the god self now i can
turnat hte atteniotn within ow
i liove finding myself i ilove
finding my lust for life i ilove
feeling a lust for life
i love
feeling the laser foucs on god i love
i love hving all my tiem i love haivn
all my time i love doing whatever i want
i oe letting life take ma d
me and trusting it i love
i turst life
i trust
life i trust life i am devoted to how
my creation of i am devoted ot my creation of life
i am
devoted to my art
its only ever me creating it
perceiving it its only
ever me its me
its me its me it ups to me to alo
allw the version i prefer ot feel
it to stick to it
to it
its me and i now
i know there’s only one
feeling only one devotoin
one knowins
that life
life is alay
on my side
i knwo that life
is alawys working out
for me life always
wroks out for mee
nothings missing
i get to do the work i get to return
with fus
fistfulls of jwerels i get to return
with fistfuills of jwerels
i get ot ot to feel it now
i knwo im
creating it i nkow im
creating it i
with every thoguth
with ever belief
im returning with fistfulls
i have to i have to i hva to stand p
up to em
m thoutsh i have
i get to do it get to focus
i ca
et to feel the god self i get to
live magically
i get to lie magicalli
i get to
be the version i prefer
and then see it
tis the
only work i can do