and i know this is the only work
i relish this work the only work ai
and i know its the only me i know its teh only
only me
only i can let it go and love no matter what
only i can become it from wthin
i can become it from wtihin
and that’s all there ever is and ilove that life
helps me remember that i love
i’m here creating the artful versoin
version of me version of me
is loving is kind is complete is whole
knowing is knowledge the
artful version of me the
me as masterpiece
me as masterpiece
calm collected accepting allowing
not attached laughing always laughing
always having fun
confident knowing
doesn’t need anything allows life to come to
and through me fully
without resisting i accept al that
all that is is
i embrace all that is i say yes to all that
it’s easy to come here to tune and when
i focus on that as my
ungoal when i focus
on being prestne
present its easy to
when it fo us
focus on th
remembering thet ruth i m’
i’m here toind
doing the wor
only work i’m working ia m paingint
i am painting
i am painting the picture of the realty
the artful reality of me
the masterpiece of me
not just me as a so called person or body
but as all of experience
all that iexper
i experience is me the masterpiece called
the masterpiece called me i am
thea creato
the creator of me i am the creato of
creator of me i cam the
i am the creator of me and that is my art that is om
my only art and mostly what i am is feelnigs
i am the creator of my feelings my emotions which creates my world
i come hre to une
tune myself to that i
knowledge that i get to celebrate this
here and now this here and
now i get to celebrate
get to feel the feeling
get to fel the
feel the feeling i get to feel the feelign of
of the moemnt othe
momrnt of
moemtn of the god self
of the god self i get to
feel the feeling of the
god sel f
i am the creator of me and its so
easy to remembe ri am the
creator of me and its
so easy to remember i am the creator of me
its only ever me its only e
ever me its only ever me it sonly
ever me its only ever me
its only ever me
the creator of me the masterpiece of em
is calm and knowing the masterpiece of me is totally connceted
totally connected totally connecte dand and that’s the
fun way to live life that’s what
the fun way to live life and it’s so easy
to do thiss work and feel connected its o seasy
easy to connect to the trth
to connect to the truth of life and ‘m so grateful i get to
do it here nad
and know
now i know that my work my work is my
is me is my entire creative experience that
is the only work taht is my art and a
that’s all i can ever focus on is
what makes of th
up the vibration of me
the bi
vibration of me is my art
thi is the
this is the only work th
this is the only thing to do this is the
only thing to focus on an i know that
i know that ia m always creating it i know that ia m
creating it i know that ia m
always createing creatigin
creating it
i know that i can only choose how i feel
i can
only vibrate for me i can only choose love no
matter what i can choose to look for what i want to see
i can choose to send love i cne
can shoo
choose to dse
send love i can choose to send love i can
choose to love me
i choose to feel good about me
i feel guilty but i can easily just sh
choose the nest thoug
nexxt though
i can
i can easily just choose a different version
i can easliy
choose a different version