if i want to have a good day to i want to have a good day
nnot really
not really iwant t have a bad day i want to sulk i want t
ot be be in a bad mood
i wnat to make others around me suffer
i want to drag others down to how i feel i wnat to make
other s
feel ba like they make me feel bad
its feels good to feel good
to do me it feels good to me to take care of me to take care of what i want of
how iw atn to feel
ti feels good to take care of me
it sfeel soog
good to do me it s4
feels good to do me
it feels good to live for me all i can do is
live for me all i can do is live for me
all i can do is tap out and live for me
all i can hear is silence i
all i thi
can think is silence
all i can think is silence alll i can
think is silence
its me its my silence onl i a
only i can feel my silnece only i can
feel my silence only i can
enjoy my silence only i can turn my boat
just keep accepting things just keep
accepting eerything
until im a fucking hsell of a human
andlet people just walk all over me all the time
it up to me to ddeice to have a good day or not
to fe
decide to feel good or not
its always going to be up to me
grateufl to make the choice for m t
to do me to do what i dn
need to do to feel good to choose me
to choose how if eel to choose how
how i feel grateufl to choose me to choose how i feel
to choose
how i feel to chose
i love winning i loe winnign i love winning
if you want to make me feel
if you want to do
act like that then i’ll act like that too
you think youre the only one that gets to do what they
want and not considder the other pwerons
its me creating it i have to admite i havve to admite its me
making it its always me making it its me makig it its me making the day
its me making the day
its me makig the situation
but idc
because im goin to make you feel the
way you make me feel
its me its me its me its always me choosing to be
chooseing to be morose
is me looking for reasons to feel bad its me looking for reasons to feel bad its me
its m e
its me its me its i me looking for problems
its me
lookingf or problems
its me looking for problems its me
its never them it s
i want to hurt you back i want to hurt you back i want to hurt you back i want
to hurt you i wnat to
to hurt you becue you hurt me i want to hurt you
i want to hurt you so bad i want you to cry
and feel ditched and abandoned
and left alone
i hve to have to take responsiblity tof
for the version i m creating
im lookking for somehting something to make
bigger something to make a fithgt osm
im looking for ways to start a fight im
looking for whats wrogn im
looking for m
problmes im creating my own problems
do i want to have a good day
no i want to feel bad i wnat to feel bad i watn to feel bad i want to feel bad i
i want to feel good
bad i want to feel bad i want to be mad i want to be mae
mad i want to be mad i want to be mad i want to be mad
just be silent at
that’s all i can really do it sj
is tjust eay
fucking eats me up that i have to accept tomehting
that i hate some
so much
its just going to get wors and sor worsen
and wors im kma
making it so
worse i could let it go but im making
its wro
wors i can let it go mbut
but im making it worsse
i want to make it worse i want to be rithgt
i want to b
prove how right i am
odn thave dont want to have a good day
i want to be right
i dont want to love i want to hate becauee it ffeel sgood
better it feels better ihav
i hate loving i love hating
i loe to hate becuae it feels good it feels be
better to hate everyone it feels better to hate everyone
i think ill choose o hate everyone
why can’t i why can’t i let it go why can’t i let it go
why can’t i let it go why
can’t i let it go why can’t i let it go
can’t i let it go why cnt’ i let ti go
because im mad because im heu
hurt becusee i feel stuck becuaese i o
dont want to be here
i dont want to be here
i dont want to be in this situation ii want to be free
i watn to be
i want to be free i watnt o be free
but i can choose to be free right now i cn chosoe to be r
fee right now
i can choose not to care i can choose to have a good day
i can choose silence
i cn
can choose love i can choose lvoe
i’m giving away my power and i have to take it back
i’m giving away my poweer
the mind is leaky
i’m letting the mind leak
and i dont have to im
letting the mind leak and i dont have to
just focus
on silence
that’s all ther is