the real power ofme

the real feeling of me i knwo tis all a feeing
i kow tisa ll
all a feeling i now oall of life is the feeling and im
here coming back tot e
to the feeling becaues it feels good ecaues i

enjoy living my life in the flow i enjoy

thank you thank you
thank you

i love the power of me i ilovve that its all in me i love that its me
i know its m

i love the pwerr of me and that i get to choose the frequency

i get to choose ove it love that i get to
choose lov that ig et to bet he soure that
i get to e the power that i get to
be the oweer that i get to be the power
that i get to choose how i feel that i get to tune v

because i like the feeling nor

not for any other reason than i like feeling like god i love
i like feeling good i lkie

i li

i like feeling good i
i likee njoying life i loa
i like haveing fun i love loving
i love sending the signal of love

i love trusting the signal of love

i love knowing god i love
i love
feeling good i love nejoyig my life
and ig et to choose to do that
i loe
coming here becaue it feel good it feels liek trelief to remembe the ona ond oonly powewr t rememer i dont havet ot hink about ti
i dont have
to solve it that ill never solve it int hem ind a
dn only god will sovle i
it ath ati get to deeply accept what is that i get to say thank you thatn k
that i get to know that i kwo life is on em ys die i knwo life ia on my side i nkow
ig et to enjoy this here and now

there’ sno furute

and i get to enjoy here and now
i love feeling good i love
beign in a good mood i love
loving i love hv

having fun with the wif ei love that
we get to i love that
tis just for fun i love the
one and only pweor o

of me

i dont havee to think
about anything i can
just enjoy this here and now

i get to feel ti i t i get to feel
feel it i get to fel it i get to feel it i knwo tis me i knwo the power of efeeling it i nwot he
effects of the feeling i nwo theeffects of me i liove that
i get to hve fun i love t
aht i get to have fun

i lovet hat i get to

this is the only work this
is the only feelign this
is the only

feeling releaseing eveyrthing is the only
feeling releaseing everything is the only feeling
everything is the only feelign
and i come here to feel ti adn its os easy
to remember the only truth
one and only truth
is that im alawys createing

im always creatging
it im always creagting
it and irs
tis eays sto do
jyou j

you just let eveyrhting go
noon eof it maters jus
just let evyehting go nonoe of it mates