the space between

always solves everything and i love hat
that i know this i love that i know its eay i love i love that
i now that life is easy that its meant to be this eay

this way i love that i know the truth of life
and its eay to remember i know that tomorrow ill wake up feeling good

i feel good and its so easy
i feel good

and its so easy i feel good and its so easy
i feel good and its so easy

i trust i trust the flow the unoflidn
the unfolding all i can do is trsut the f
unfolding the unfilding
unfolind all i can do is trust the unfolding

its easy to feel good in

i feel good and its eay i feel good
i feel like myself i feel happy i feel happy

i feel the flow flowing through me i feel
the energy of life

flowin throughme

i feel the energy of life flowing through me
i feel the energy of life flowing through me