the switch

can always flip the switch the god switch

flip the god switch the truth swithc
feel the the

feeling you want to feel and don’t have to
get wrapped up

don’t have to get dragged down that path

have to get dragged

can feel good now feel the tuning now

feel the tuning now just do the work to feel
good to feel good and release

feel good

feel back to god teh center
the focus the focus
the focus

the focus
the focus
the focus the focus the focus

the focus

the focus the focus the

this work the only work the only work
the only work this is the only work this

is the only work

the god work the focus work the focus work the focus
work the


choosing teh self to leet

letting the rest go work
the letting the rest go work the
the rest
go work the release the real

let it

letting it go work the letting
it go work t

the letting it go work the
letting it go woek the

the releas

i can do it feel the feeling
feel good now or ai

ill just hav to do it
later it

it’s just that easy to feel good
to reetun
to center to love to having a good day

to having a good day
to letting go of the rest

to return to center
to having a good day

to enjoying life enoying them ometn

release andl et go
and focus on what i do wnat
and how i do want to feel

its just that easy to fcus
focus on what i do want
and how i do i want to feel
and know that it only reflects me
i love tha it

it only reflects me i loe that
i love that it only reflects me
i love that i know i love that i know
i get to choose and don’t have to wonder

i get to choose and don’t have to wonder
i get to choose
to feel good i get to choose
to feel good to feel the

the love of life the love of life
i get to feel the love

the love lthe

the lust for life the lust for life
the singkning
into the now
the here and now the

the here and now the tuning
the focus work the focus

the feeling work the
feeling work the feeling it work

th fee

the feeling if eel the feeling
i choose i turn the


boat i can talways

turn the boat i can always turn tha t

the boat i feel good now
i have
to i have to i have to

i feel good now allow it to pass
allow it to apa

to apass
pass and on’t get warpp

wrapped up in it

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent substance of the universe

this all providing h
source of infinite prospeirty
is individualzied as me

the reality of me

i can always revert
to the basic natureal

feeling and ntohing can
prevent me from beig th

ther its simple
just let the rest go
let ti

the rest go its simple
and its easy to trd

return to

just rever
back to a previous version
its easy

its easy i
to revert to love its easy
to revert to love
its easyt o

feel good now to feelth

the ease and flow of life
to feel the ease and flow
of life

to turn my attention wher ei want it
to be to remember to choose hw
to r
where i place my attention
to choose where i plce m

place my attention to let it go
to allow it to be to let it be fun
to let it be fun

to let it be fun
to let it be fun
to allow myself to be to love who i am

to love hwo i am

who i am

to realized it’s ok
to know it’s ok to say thank you for how it is

say thank you for how it

to say thank you to feel the feleing firs
tto feel

loved and appreciated
easy to chosoe teh

the focus its easy
to return to the knowledge

god is lavish unfailng abundanc
the rich ominipre

present substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualzied
as me

the reality of me