the tao does nothing

and leaves ntohing lnothing
left undone and the more i give myself
over to the tao themore it
it gives itself over to me

and i know this for a fact so i am
celebrating life because i know for a fact
how it works i know that


is a science i knwo for a fact that
is a science
i know that you can’t look at it

it’s like quantum phsycis

if you look at it

it ruins the mystery

i love waking up and doing the work
i love gettig to

to do the work
in this here and now i love that
i know life is good i love that life is good i love
that life is good in this
here and now i love that i
get to feel good about life

so grateful to get to know my
brother and his wife so grateful to get to spend time with them
so grateful for replies to emails

so grateful people want to help so grateful to trust
the flwo so g

so grateful to do the wrok to trut
the flow and feel the feeling so grateful to feel the
feeling of life flowing through me so grateufl i know

its working and all i have to do is look for what i want
to see i love that there is always more thanenogh

enough i love that i know today
is a good day i love getting to do the wrk
right away i love getting

back to my way s
and devoting myself to

to the tao

i love that i can do it i can
devote myself to spirit

i ove that i an

can take the big leap and enjoy life i love
that i et to

to enjoy life in this here and now i lov
that i know life loves me i love that
i know the tao loves me

the tao does nothign

i ove that i’m feeling beter i love
i love that i’m feeling good about lif ei love
that iam appreciating this mometn ilove
tha t

life hoels
helps me to know that
that nothins is my supply

life is my supply

this moment is my supply
this here an dnow

and now

is my supply

i feel good about life i
feel certain about my life and i love
that i get to chosoe ilove
i love that ever

i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love
that i get to choose how i want to live
i love that
i get to choose life i love
that i get to choose life i love
that i get to choose life
i love that

i never have tot ry
to strive and i can just keep looking
for what i want to see i love
that i get to just keep

looking for what i want

it’s easy to focus in the flow
it’s easy to feel how i wnat to feel
and its’ easy to feel the tao flowing through me
it’s easy to feel good about life

it’s easy to feel the flow
and kow that life loves me it’s easy to feel good it’s
easy to feel godo

it’s easy to lift my mood and know
that life reflects the mood it feels good to know this
to know thiat

this isn’t the end of my life

to know that
we are just getting started
it feels good to know
and it feels good to celebrate this fact
to look for what i want to see

to accept the challenge that life has


presented me and know that
i can alsays
always turn the boat
raise thevibration
and then

that vibration usually is changed
for life it feels good to do the work

to get to do the work
the only work i care about

and it’s this
this is my work this is the only work that matters
and it sthe work of
tending to my mood

tending to my