the trust muscle

the magic muslce the power muscle

the remembering muscle

im’ mus
using my remembering musccle the feelng meus
muscle the feelng of emthe
feeling of em
feeling of me the
feeling of m e

me the mu

the feeling ofme the feeling of me

not wondering not wondering
feeling it now feeling it now i

feeling it now chooseing now
it no c
being brave it
enough to choose it now to see the
affects of it now
to see the afffect so fit now

itll never be that
its deep

deeper than tha
that so much deeper than

that is the prinout the feeling is the feelni g
is all there is
the feeling of knwoing that god is doing it

god is going what i want
and i can let go i can feel the feeling of it now i can fee the feelng of it now
i ca feel the feeling of it now i

ca feel the feeling of it now i can feel the eelin go fi tno w
i nkow i know that is

that tis easy to feel the
feeling of god i know it so ew
well i knwo it so well i now
so well

its the trust muscle the power muslce and ih ave t omake the choice
to feel it now i have to make the choice

to feel it now i have to make the hcoice ot

to feel it now the feeling now the
knoing o

i have to choos to feel charged up by it
how you
would you feel ify ou
knwo if you knew if you kew

ho y

would you feel if yo knew

is p

supplying the misery
what is supplying the misery

i loe that i gte to choose i get to choose
the love of god flowing through i nkow its up to m
to choose love to choose the
feleing of love to choosee the

the feleing of love

deny the sense and choose the flow
that’s all ic and o
that’s all i can

deny the senses and

fee the feeling i want to feel

how would i feel if i nkew a
god is lavish
unfailing abundance

how i would i feel if i choose
i chose

how owu
would if eel if i choose
to eel who i want to feel

to choose the truth

i am the one who chooses the truth

this is all there is the power is all there is
the p

placeless place is all there is
its no
never outside of me is never outsie of me

its never not me and

it doenst matter how long it takke sm eo tremember it

or to pracitc eit i
but its only the feeling i choose
to feel the

feeling i choose to praicte and i can
i do it on purpose

i wnat to enjoy my life
i want to feel good in my life
i want to look for things to appre

appreciate in my life
i want to feel kgood
i want to look for reasons to feel good iw ant to feel
good i want to feel good iw ant to allow ti
i want to celebrate lie i want
to celebrate seeing what i want to see