and the feeling always waorks the feeling alays
leads to the feeling
always leass to
the work always works and the work
is the feeling the only work is the
feeling the feeling of god
is the only work and i know this
the feeling of god is the only work
and i know this i kno the
i knw the feeling i knwo the feeling work i know the
feeling work i know the feeling work i knwo that hte feeling
work is sht
the only work the feeling work is shte
the only work
i know the feeling of me and i know that
consciousness is the
only reality i know that
consciousness is the only reality
and tha’s why i choose it tahta
all i can do is stop all i can do is stop
all i can do is stop
its a mirror its a mirror everything is a mirro
all of life is a mirror and i have to
accept that
everything i am
is what i see a
everything i am is
its a mirror its a mirror its a mirro
no ma
matter hwo you look at it no
matter how you look
at it
life is always showing me what i m a
life is life is
i know i am god and i get to celebrate it i know the
flow of god is always here i know the flow
of god is always here withme
i know
i know i never have to explain anything
‘i know nothing
is in the mind
i know nothing is in the mind i know nothing
is in m the
the ind the mind i know nothing is in the mind
i know nothing is in the mind
i know where i am right now
i know what i am i know i what i am
i know what
i am i know what i am i know what i am
i know what i am i know what i am
i know
what i am i know
know what i am
i know what i am
theres nothing else to do
besides god theres no other feeling besides tgod
that’es nothing left besides
god there’s nothing left besides god
thank you god thank you god
for replacing me with you
thank you go d
thank you god for my life for my wif ei have so much to be f
grateful for andi dont have to think i dont have to think
its never in the mind its never in the mind
its never in the midn
its never
i dont have to care
i do not have to care i can choose lof
love i can choose god i can choose love i can choose god i can choose love i can chood
choose god i can choose how i want to feel i choose how i want to feel and then life comes to me i feel good i feel i gi feel good
i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good now i feel good
nowa i feel the feeling
i dont have to think about it
and when i do i give aawy my power na d
i dont want to give away my power
so im not thinking about it im
putting my power on the power of m e
im focused on how i f
want to feel which is fee i fe
i feel free
i feel free
i dont have to
care i dont have to think about ti
that is my power
i dont have to care i
dont have to care i dont have
to care i dont have to create problems i dont have to create problems i dont have to create prolems i dont hae to create problsm i get to
feel like im on vacation
that is the feeling i want to feel that
im on vacation with no worreis
i loe that i have t
no worries i love that i have no worries
vut i know its me
so eery time i think about its its what
wasted energy wasterd bo power
that can do towra domchrint
else and i have to decide to fell
what’s best for me i have to decide to feel itto do
to feel it i have to deicd eto feel it i have to decide to feel it i
i can stop because it me nothing has to change
nothing can ever change besides me
i have to accept that
there’s on
nothing can change besides me all of life is consciousenss
all of life
is consciousness i nkow this i know this
i know this
i know this i know this
i know
i know the secret to life i know the
secret to lifei knwo the ansewr to every question and its yes
thank you
i know this i know its god i kno athe tonly thing imssing is god i han
can choose the god feeling now and that is ehte
the answer to everythign
i choose the god feeling now and the rets is the rest
i dont have to care i do thave to stay mad i can feel good no matter what
i can let ig
it go i don tha
ever have to thinka bout it again
i trust life
and i dont care
i trust life and i dont care
i dont care i trust life
and i dont care
i trust life and i dont care
i dont have to care ive le tthat go i have my li
owan life i ge tot fele good i get ot celebrate li my life
i know i know the power
of me i know god i know ahat
what i dm
am i know i never have to think
the t
only thing msi
missing is god
just feel for god and thr rest
solves itsefl
how wouald you prefer to feel