the work always works

turning into the flow i love
the feeling of turning into the

i love feeling the feeling of turning
into the flow of saying yes to life of
saying i love you to life to
feeling good about life
to smiling at life

i love that i get to smile at life i love

i love the power of me i love the magick of me i love
the magick of me i love feeling the

energy of me i love remembering it’s only
ever me i love that i get to choose
to have fun i liove that
that i get to choose
to enjoy life i love that i get to choose
to love

i love doing this work the
this work the only work and i love that

the better it gets i love
the better
gets i love


the better it gets i lov the
the better it gets i love
that i get to feel goo di love
i love that i get to feel good

i love that i can always smile

and say thank you i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the
feeling of fe

me i love that i get to
get to feel the feeling of me i love
that i get to

to feel the magick of life i love
that i nmo

thank you thank you thank you for this
here and now for this here and now
i know th

i know that this is
i know that the flow is always flowing i love
that the flow is always flowing i love
that the

the flow is always flowig i love
i love that
all my wishes are coming true i love

that all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to feel god nw

good now i lov that
that i gt to
ge to
to feel the feeling now and it
always comes i love that
the feeling always comes i love
that i

feel it and then it comes and i love
that it’s that
easy i love that it

always comes and i love the
feeling i love the flow i love the flow
i love that i get to feel good i love

i get to feel goo i l

i love that i know it’s only
ever the feeling i love that i know life
is the feeling adn that

and that i chose the feeling
and life reflected it
i love that i get to feel the
feeling right now i love

i love that i get to feel good right now i love
that our plants are growning


growing i love that
i an always

can always feel the feeling i love
that i can always feel the feeling i love
that i can alwa

always feel the feling
feeling i love that i can always
feel the feeling i love

that i can always feel the feeling

it’s the feeling

it’s the feeling it’s the
feeling it’s the feeling

of this here and now the fee
the feeling of the here ans n

and now i love that
i know ti’s the

it’s the feeling
i can

always choose the feeling and
the feeling is believing
in myself in life

the feeling is enjoying
life and i can always enjoy life
i can always

enjoy life i can always feel the
feeling feel the feeling and know that
it always comes

feel the feeling and know that
it always comes feel the
feeling and know that

that life reflects the

ti fee

it fels

feels good to do the work and to say yes
to this here andnow it

it feels good to say yes
to life to celebrate life

to get there1!!!

it feels good to get there to know i
can always get there i can alwy

remember who i am i can always take
the big leap and enjoy life
i can always send thes

the signal of yes
of grtaitdu

gratitude of feeling good i can
always choose the feeling

the signal of love

yes thank you th

yes please more please

and it’s that easy

it’s that easy

thank you !!!

so grateufl it’s
flowing it just starts flowing
just decide

just decide just decide
decide to feel love

love to love
to love life to love
every single situation
or persion

just smile at them
just smile at it

it feels good to let go
to allow the flow to flow

to feel the flow

flowing through me
it feels good to feel godo

good about life to celebrate
because life loves me inthis
in this

in this here and now it feels good
to celebrate life in this

heer and n

here and now to love me
right now it feels good to love
myself to believe in myself

allow the rest to fall into place

i love that i love msyelf
myself i love

that i am loved

i love that i am love di lov that
i love that i get to love
myself i lov hat

love that i get to enjoy my life
i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love that

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to celebrate my life in this here and now i love
that i get to

to love me i love that
i get to love me i love
that i get to believe in myself


yes please
more please

i lovethat

that it’s just atht
that esy i

easy i love that it always comes i love
that i get to make the choice
and then it comes i love the power

of me the magick of me i love
remembering the power of me

and it’s all in the

feeling i love seeing the
evidence of my work!!!

it’s w