the work always works

and i know that the work
is in the here and now i lov th
the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love
waking up feeling good i love doing the
work i this
this here and now

what is the work?

the work is always reconnecting wiht
the magick of life coming back to center to this
here andnow and

and remembering the now is all ther is
there is the feeling is all there is and i love
rememberingthsi i

i love remembering this i love that
i know who i am i love that i am
here and now a


this here and now i love that
i get to celebrate life in this day i love
starting the day off right ni love
i love tuning myself to the vibration
of soucr

i love that it’s easy to tune
myself to the signal of yes i love that iknow t
aht the energy i give my life
is what i see i love taking the big leap
into the day i love

taking the big leap into the day i love
loving myself i love feeling good i love
getting in the vortex and then i love
doing this work to align

the energy
of self i love that i nkowt he
the truth
of life i love that i know

first you become it and then you see it
i love

tuning my vibration i love
that it’s eay to

easy to tune myself
into the magick o flife

i love thati can always tune into the
magick of life in this here and now
i love that it’s eay t

to tune myself to the magick of life to
tune my vibratoin to take
the big leap into the the here and
now i love that i can

today i am celebrating the here and now
today i am celebrating life today i am
allowing my best self today i jump into life
and enjoy the day today i get to feel good

i can do it i can do it i can do it
i can

break from from the anxiety
the existential dread

i break free from that i can
renounce my humanhood and
accept my life as a version of god
i love that i know i am god and that
everything refelcts me

i love doing the work and gettig ther e
i love that i can alays get

always get there i love tha ti

i can jump into this dasy i love
i love that i can alays

i can always settle in to the moment
and there is nothing to fear in the moment
to be afraid of in this moment
an i can

can just sink into the feeling
first you become it and then you see it
and i love that it always comes and i love
taht i know
i know it’s not my job i love that
i now t’s

it’s not my job to make anything happen
and i love that i am brave enough to accept life
as it comes i love that i
get to feel good feel good in this
here and now i love

i love the powre of the

power of the nonw

of the magick of the choice
i love the magick of the choice
to exist in this here and now
to allow the magikc of life
it feels good to allow the magikc

of life to get the motor running to
tune my vibration it feels good to do the
the work to feel the
best ever to know that today is
a good day it feels good to celebrate because
it’s a good day it feels good

to celebrate every day
without fear it feels good to feel good
to know it’s only ever me it’s only
ever the point of focus the point
of attractoin

it feels good to crate

create the

version i prefer it feels good to tune my vibraiotn
to get theere

so grateful i can always get there

i can always let go i can always put it all down
i love that i am good at it i love that i
am good at the magick life i love that

i get to choose to love myself i love that
i get to choose to love myself to love
this right now i love that i know

i can renounce my humanhood i love that
i nkow god is lavish

unfailing abundance

i lovethe magick o vo
of live i love
the magik

i love this life i love the good live

i love the good life i love that
i have a god life
i love i love that everythign alreayd

already worked out for me
i love the better it ges i love
i love that i
can just say yes thankyou i love
that i know the

answer is never outside of me i love that i know

the answ

the answer is alawys within me
and i can always jump into the day i know that
i am god i know that i am god a

i know that i am god and the
only reason i wouldn’t jump
inot the day
is that i forgot that i am
god i know

i know that i am god i know that
i am god i know that i ma

i know that i ma h

the creator i know that i am
god i know that everything is

is created vibrationally
i love that i know this i love
the feeling of laign

alignment i love that it’s
easy to jump into the day and love

day i love that it’;s
eay to love
the day i

i love that ther eis

is so much to love

i love today is amazingly awesome!!

i love that i get to feel grateful
because i know that

is lavish and unfialing


i love that iknow all my wishes
are coming
true i love

that i can let go and allow the moment
to flow and i
never havet o think
about anythign
outside the

i love breakign the pattern
i love
breaking the cycle i love
that i get to enjoy this here an dnow
i love the

the better it gets i lvoe
