i love having a good day i love
gtd i love knowing that i am the source and
the supply i love knowing
that i am the source of my suffering and
my joy i love that the work always works i love that the flow
always flows i love that the feeling always
feels i love that the solution is always there
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the prsence
presence of god within me is my supply
and it always
feels better to turn my consciousness toward
the god within
life is all about how i feel
and i get to choose that i amthe sour
the source of how i feel
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consicousness of
spirit within is my supply
consciousness of the spirit
within is my supply
i love that it’s working the flow
is flowing through me the flow is flowing
through me
my consciousness of the spirit
of the presence of god within me is my supply
i love that iknow th
i know this i love that life is good i love
taht ig et to
get to celebrate get to say thankyou
get to say thank you i love
that i’m taken care of i love that
i am taken care of and i never have to wonder i love that
ti’s work
it’s working the flow is flwoing the
the flow is flowing i love that i know the flow is flowing i love
that i know that life
loves m e
i love feeling good i love waking up
feeling good i love having a good day
i love
elevating my heart and mind
i love doing this work
refusing anything else
i love refusing to feel bad
and drawing
into to mind and feelig nature
the very substance of sprit
today my focus is drawing into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
i love that i feel the spirit
flowing through me i love that i feel
the substance of spirit
flowing through me
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
i love drawing into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of psirit
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the
very susbtance
substance of spirit
the substance of spirt
i feel the substance
entering my body
today i feel good
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply
my consciousness is my supply
the supply is within and i know
i am jusst ener
just energy i am just energy and i love that i kno that
i love the better it gets i love
that today is a good day i love
the better it gets i love the better it gets i love
the power of life
i love life flowing through me i love life
flowing through me i love the feelig i love the
feeling i love the i love that i can allow well being
i know i know allowing
well being allows god to flow through me i know it’s
a science i know it’s a science
it’s a practice its a knowledge i am
allowing well being to flow
i love living in ecstacy i love
ecstasy i love living in ecstacy
today i live in
ecstasy i get to choose the feeling
i am the source of my own ecstasy i love
that i know this
i am the source
and i can draw through me the
substance of spirit
wheni am
am conscious of my god self
i draw god into myself
i draw more god into myself and there is
no limit to th egod
the god i can draw into myself
i can
just observe
just watch
just watch the simulation
unfold i love that i know
i am conscious of the god self within
i am conscious of the god self within
i celebrate life i choose how i want to feel
i choose how i want to fele i choose
how i want to feel
and it feels so good to remember that i am
god i am the one and only creator
i am not human
i am not controlled by mortal conditions
i know that i am god
ad i
and i feel elevated through this knowledge
today i look for solutions i look
for solutions today i look for good feelings for feeling good
for feeling good for the flow to flow through me today i feel good
today i feel good today i feel good today i feel loved today i am
god and i am allowing god to do the work i love that i am
allowing god to do the work i love hat
the flow is flowing through me and everything i could
ever need is right here for me
i am conscious!!
i am consciousness!!
i love knowing the truth of who i am
i love that i can always renounce my humanhood i love
that i
get to feel good today !!!
i love that i know i am god i love
that there is no limit to the amount of god i can
allow into myself i love the power of the focus
and that i don’t have to care about anything else
i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the
very substance of spirit
and that’s all i need
what would jesus do?
what would god do?
that’s me
i am christ
i am god
i am god i love
that i am the one and only creator i know that
when i think about something
it is there
i renounce my humanhood
i remnou
renounce my humanhood
i love that there is always more than enough
WAY more than enough
and i am celebrating this here and now
the perfect