it’s good to know the work
always works the work always works
and the only focus is god
the only thing
to look for is god and as long
as i stay focused on that i never have
to worry about anything
else i love that i can always take
how ifee
i feel into my own hands i know
it’s not my job to
feel for anyone else or make
any one else feel better
that’s not my job
it’s theirs
my only job is to feel
good for me my only job is to focus on how i feel
and know that life
is only a ref
how i feel is my only work
how i feel is the only work
and i get to choose
to feel how i wnat to feel
i love that i get to choose how i feel
and i ge tto
to do the work the only
work si s
is knowing god the only work
knowing god
and i can allow the rest
i can allow the rest
the only work is how i feel
the only work is how i feel
so i do the work
to feel good for me i do the work to
feel good for me and i love that i can always
choose how i want to feel i can alwys
do the work for me i am
the one who choosese my
chooses my signal
my only work is how i feel and i
get to let go of the rest
do the work for me
i can only vibrate for myself
so i get to choose the
feeling how i want to feel today and i love
that i can just
allow god to flow
through me i love that i
can just focus on the work
and do the work i can just
do the work and focus
on how i want to feel i get to
do the work for me
and that’s all that matters
the only thing
i can
affect is how i feel and it’s easy to feel
good it’s easy to feel good to let go and feel
how i want to feel i don’t have
worry about the external i can choose
to feel good for me to know that
everything is an indicator and i
get to choose to feel good
for me i get to choose
the feeling for me i get to choose
the feeling
it feels good to feel good
to choose the feeling for me to choose
to enjoy the day
for me
to choose to enjoy life
because i want to
and not
worry about what is going on
around me
i don’t have to care
i don’t have to carte
and it’s not my
it’s not my responsibilty
to care my only responsibility
is to be aware of the truth
and when i do the work i feel good and
that’s all that matters
i can let go of the rest
and just feel good i can do the work
for me i love that i’m learning to
do the work for me i love
that i’m learning to do the work
for me i love that i know it
can only reflet me i love that
i know i
life can oinly
only reflect me iknow i’m not
a victim of my circumstances
i know ti’s on
it’s onl;y me and i get to choose
the feeling i love that i’t snot
it’s not my problem i love
that i get to do me i love that i get to do the
work and it’s just for me
to feel good atht
that’s all that matters
and i can trust the unfolding
i get to trust the unfolding
of life i love that i ge tto li
to live life for me i love that i get to
live life for me i love that
i get to do the work
to choose the feeling to choose
the life i want to see
i love
that i ge tto choose
the life i want to see i love
that i ge tto choose
the life i want to see
it’s easy because i always
have it right here with me
i love that i ge tto do the work
always have access to the feeling
of knowing that god is on y
my side i love that
it just doesn’t matter
i love taking the
emotional journey i love
remembering that
it’s not me and the
only thing i have
control over
is how i feel i love that
i don’t have to get involved i love
that i
i get to live life for me i get to
feel good now i get to do mea i get
i get to do me i get to
do me i love that i get to
choose the feeling right now and know that
life only reflects the
feeling i love having the space
to do the work i love that
i don’t have to care i love that i know
it’s not my problem
nothing is
nothing is a problem
only a solution and i
don’t have to care about your bad
which i guess is a
reflection of me i love
that i ge tto cl
to clean it up i love that
i get to clean it up i love tha i
get to do the work i love
that i don’t have to care
i love that i feel tuned in
tapped in turned on i love
making the time to feel good
to feel better i love that
i get to make the
time to feel good i love doing
the work the only work that
i know that the energy i sthe
only work that matters
i can feel good knowing that i
can feel good knowing that
i know that nothing
is stopping me
from living the life i want to
live i love that i can become aware of the energy
and then transmute it
i love that i ge tto choose
how i feel i love that i get to feel good
that i can breathe that i can
expand to fill the space i love
that i can
expand to fill the
here and now
instead of trying
to escape it