the work always works

and todady i feel more centered
today i feel more centered more at ease
more able to let the rest go to let the periphery go

so graeful for my life for my house for
my clean and organized house

for my clean and orgainized life

for my wife who loves e fo the flow
that flows

so grateful to feel better today
to feel good today to feel ike i can make the choice to feel good today

today i know i am the ccreator that the
there is only one reality and its conscoiusness

today i know the only reality
today i choose it today i feel it

and i know its me i know i
i know that all of life is me i know

i kow that i am the only reality
i now that consciousness is the only reality and
im so grateful to get to celebrate it today

im so grateful to get to ccelebrate the
feelign of me that i get to choose

not want

that i get to choose
not want
that today i get to reaside

rest in the choice that i get to feel
the feeling of the wish fulfilled
that i feeel
confidnet in

choosing how i want to feel
when im there

i make for the cneter
and im so grateful i get to that
atha i

get to rmemeber the real feeling of that
i gt to remember the one and only

god sowrk that i get to remember t

i get to feel the feeling
i get to drive with the feeling i get to
chooe waht

choose what i prefer and know thats the power of me
i get

to choose what i prefer and

kknow that’s the power of me

only i choose the only reality is
consciousenss and that’s me
i lovee that i nkow that

this i love that i get to feel it
feelthe certainty of it
know the certatinty of it that

that life is me




i get to choose how if eel and that
dries my life

i knwo thati
this i s
the one and only truth

so graeful to feel better today
to choose center

to choose love to not feel attached just feel
good and grateful for my life
sog rateful to feel good in my life today

i get to drive wit ht eh
feelign i kn ow
theres nothing outside of this feeling i celebrae

i celebrate

catcching a wind!!

i celebate feeling good feel the
feeling the flo

feeling he god self
feeling the totla fulfillment of center

feeling the focus of only seekign within

make for the center and that’s
all i can do
make for the
center and that’s all i can

everyting else reslve

resolves itself and knwo
i know this is true
that the neryg of me

is always right here that
i can always feel good here and nnow

i can alawys feel good
here and now

to make fore cn

for center and allo the rest to unfold
to make for cneter
adn allow the rest and i know
for sure that is my poe

that is the only poer and the po

only truth
the only power and the only truth

the only power and the onl truth
and it feels so good to feel free dor

from seeking

seeking only the cneter seeking only the ceter

seeking only the ccenter

onlly seeking the self
and its all i can do it feels good to feel fee

free it feels good to feel free
it feels good
to feel free to

look for me and only me ot know me
it feels good to know me

it feels good to choose not want

to make for center to f
remember the poer of me and choose it
to remember the power of me and choose it

to feel to drive with the feeling
to drive life with the feeling to choose it for me

to choose it for me