the feeling always works and god
always does everything perfectly i love that i know that
god always
verything perfectly i lvoe that i now the
feeling of me i get tofeel the
feeling gof me the
feeling of the oceatn the feeling o f
awareness i get to feel it i get to choose the focus
i love hat ia m amaw
i am aware i lovee that ia m aware i love that
i llv
that i dont have to ccare that i am
wre to
enough tto chooe nnot to care
to know i dont havet o
to care t know is nothing to allow
ti to pass so grateflf or hw
far ive come so grateful fro
for how far ive come
the work alawys worsk the works always works
the clouds always pass but the truth
is always riht here the feeling that i dsel seek is always right hee the feeling that i seek
is alawy
always tieght here the feeling
that i sske is
is here now if am the occean i know tha tiam the ocean i know that
tia t
i am the ocean terhe
are wave bu i am the ocean i lvoe that
that i now this
that i nkow the truth and trhe rest ccomes ean
and goes but i get toa celebrate a good live here and now
i lvoe hwo far weegve come
i lvoe that i get to choose teh truth the
veresion i prefer i love
seeing the
effectso f the practice i love
seeing the effects of the knwoing i love hcoosing the nowing
i love choo
choosing the magical assistance i love that
i get ti love tthat i get to choosee teh feeling here and onw
that i get t cooos
choosee how awtn toe feel here and now
the work the feeling is all there
the feelng is all there is the
is all there is and
i always have access to it the
feeling is all ther e
is adn i always
have access to it i alway have access to it
i love how far ive come and that i get to celebrate it
i know me i know what i am who am i know what ia m
i am god i know i m god i love seeing the effects of the pracctce i love
life unfolding so esaily
i love that
my life fun
so easily i love that i get to choose th
it that t the i
i lve
i fee
feel the feeling here and now the
feelng of releaseing it
all the
feeling of releaseing
it all
the feeling
of releaseing
i know the feeling of god and i choose it now and the
rest followsi knot he feelnig of god and i choose it now
and the
the rest follows i choos teh feeling of god
ehre and now i love that i get ti
i love that i get to
i feel the feeling now i feel the feeling now
and i nkow thats all i cand o i feel the
feelign now and i nkow thatsl all
all i can do i love that i get to feel it i love that i get to
the feeling is here an w
now and i get to celebrate tit he feelng is here
and now and
i get to
feel it i get to fele it
the feeling is the drug
feelng is what i seek and its here an
now i et to
feel t i
it here now i get to let go completely and just trust i get to
i get to
let go compoelty of everything that
isn’t me i get to celebrate the day i ge tto cceleabre me
how far ive come i get to ccelebbrate how far ive come
i get to feel godo i get to be a manget
magnet for abundanct i get to look for it i get to feel it
everry mometn i get to choose how i fel
every moment i get to choose hwo i feel and i love tha
i get to i love that i am
aware of how i create y lif i
take responsibilty for how i creat my
how i see my life
and myself i get ot maek t
the choicet o chose
see mysel
how i see myself i get ot make
the choice how i see myself
i feel the feeling now
i feel the feeling now
of the succcess i seek of the
love i seek ia m the
feeling i am the center of it i now this
i nkow this is more
than anything its the onl thing real i know tis the only thign real how i seel my life
is how it is
how i see my lfie is how i t is i nkow thi skn owthat i get to choose this
i nkow that
i get to choose this
i know that i get to choose
its me its me its me and all i can do
is feel how i want to feel is choose to fele hwo i want to feel
is choose to feel hw iw ant to feel and know
that life doesnt have a choice
life desnt hve a choice
all i can ever do is tell life how it is and i lvoe t
aht i get to chose
today i hoo
i love that i did i t i love that it i
i did ti
i love that i overcame it i lovet hat i
dont have to care i lov ethat
tis papssesi lvoe that
tis passed
i love that iallowed it tpa
to pass i lov eth
getting confident in myself i love that its work i love
seeieng hte effecgs of the pratcie i love that i
knowitn the p
better it gets i love thet
the better it gets i love tht better it gets