the work always works

the work always works and this is the only work the work always
works and this is the only work the only work is this

the only work the only focus the only feeling
the only

focus the only feeling it
and its always my choice to not create problems
its always my choice to
bring back focus
to know the onnly this

the only thing ever missing is god and i knowt his
i know this i nkow
i know the flow i know the feeling i know me i know
me and i know tnothie

nothing matters i know tis what i w i look for
i know tis me i know tis me i know tis me
making the for what i look for for what i feel i knwo this i know the feeling of me i know the feeling ofme i know its me
i know its me i knot i tis knot i tis me
its never them

its me its never them its me i
its never them its me

i know that all of life is unknowing i know that its

only me deciding in each moment its me deicding
deciding m
its me deciding its me

its me deciding to it s me creating it every minute
in every minute
in every minute im

in every moment im
god i allow life i allow laife i know all i can do is
allow lie i bless the contrast that bringe me back to who i am i bless the contrast the brings meback to who i am

it you want pleasure you must accept pain and i know this
i celebrate the in and on
out of life i celebratethe contrast that helps me
i celebrate who i am i celebre life i celebrae being god
i celebrtae getting to

i getting to be god i celebrate getting to be god
i celebrate life i say yes thank you
to everything i know i never did wnaything
i know its always life flowing through me and i accept it i accept
i bless the flow ofl ife flowing through m e

you must be expecting something
desiring somehting
making some conditions

i love who iam right now
i love what iam right now
i love the feeling of me
right now i love
the feeling of me
right now i love feeling good right now
i love

feeling good right now i love making the choice

there is only one real ecenter of life one real
cneter there
is only on real center of

there is only one
real center there is only one
real cneter of life

and the rest is the false center and i dont need anything
from the false center only the real center
there is only one real life
only one

real life only one real life

there is only one real center only one real center only one
real cneter
and that’s the real part of life and nothing
else matters i love that
i know not h
i know th
nothing matters i love that i know

that i know that i know
that i am tahe source of everything that i am
the source of
everything that
i am

source of everything that i am the source
of everything

that i am

that it all stems from me that its all stems from em that only i decide how i feel that only i can decide how i feel that

only i its only ever me its only ever me
its only ever me

its only ever me the feeling of me the th
the feeling of feeling good the feeling of the focus
the feeling of the focus

the feeling of the focus the feeling of the
focus the
feeling of the foucs

the feeling of

me the feeling of knowing the feeling of me the
feeling of knowing the feeling of me

the foucs is all there is the
feelnig is all there is the feeling of god is all
there is the
feeling of god

is all there is