i wanted to think my way to it
but i know that’s not the answer
relaxing is the answer
there’s never thinking your way to it
just relax
relax is the only answer
i know this i know this i knkowthis
this is my wrok
this is my vur
current work this is my current work
this is my work this is my work
my only job
is to relax
my only job is to relax my only job
is to relax my only
job is to relax
my job is to relax
i know ths i kno
i now this
i nkow this is the answer
it feels good to think and feel
to choose the version i want to
see to feel for it
to not resist
to accept and knwo the
answer always comes
relax into the moment
to relax into what is
i an
can always relax intoy what
into what is i can
always relax into what
that’s all there is
tension in my vibration about it
i want to
know instead of ‘know’
know with my mind
instead of my heart
by the
bu the
the keey i
key is nkow with
my heart
understand it
to accept the wisdom
to embrace the wisdom
to kno th
the wisdom is already there
it feels good to amke
the choice to really relax
really relax really let go
of the moment to allow mse
myself to be truly
i know i know that’s my next
learning to relax focusing on being relaxed
gratefu to relax into the
here and now knowing
there’s not
no way to intellectually get there
it’s about abandoning the intellect
letting go of trying to figure it out
and i love that when i ask it is given
and all the answers come
when i ask for help resolving
some resistance
the universe swiios
swoops in to help me
grateful to relax into this here and now
keep up this good work
keep up the good work
of relaxing knowing my only
job is to do knothi
nothing i nkow my only
job is to do nothing
to trust fully and take no
i was trying to figure it out
instead of being ok with not
i’m okk with not knowing
i’m good with everything
how it is
and i trust the unfolding
of things
i relax into the
unfolding of things and i make
it my number one priority
to relax and enjoy life
i make it a priority to relax
and enjoy life
i relax
when i knotic
notice myself wondering
or worrying
i relax i relax i relax
my job is to relax
and allow
be open to anything
to feel the relief
of wisdom
of knowing with my heart
just relax
just let everything go and relax
do the hardest thing and
and the easiest thing
when i
which is nothing
i allow myself to do nothing
to be calm
i allow myself to calm down
to rellay
really calm down
relax in the moment
not do
do do
i never hae to
have to do do do
actually the less i do
the better
i relax i allow i relax i allow
i relax i allow
i relax i allow
i relax i allow
i relax i allow
i relx
i allow i relax
it feels good to just
focus on
feeling good
i relax i let go
i cn do it
what does it mean
release tension
unwind unwidn
i feel wound up and i can
by releasing control
knwoing that nothin gis
in my control a
and trusting
every single thing that happens
its a practice
its a fitness
and i’m practicing it and it
get s
easier and easier to access
to allow
a feeling of ease
i am allowingmy
myself to feel easy
about my life i practice the
feeling of ease
the words flow
the book gets doen eas
easily the rent
and bills are easy
friends are easy
travel is easy
everything is easy
it’s a mindset
its a mindset
and i am practicng
from a tension mindset
from a
tense way of life
im releasing that
i’m releasin te
and letting it go to the universe
and the more i allow myselt o
to just feel at ease in this
here and now
the more at ease i feel
and less tense
the more at ease i feel
and less tense
and i enjoy life
life is menat t
to be enjoyed
and be deliberately
letting go of a tension mindset
i am making the
radical choice
to enjoy life
i make the radical choice
to enjoy everything that
to enjoy my life
as it is right now
to move the energy up
to allow the magick
and allow the
resistance to the magick to disapate
to really choose knowing
and it all comes back to connection
it’s the connection to self i seek
and i know that’s
alli can
can ever find
is the connection
to the infintie self
i’m relaxed
i trust everything
that is
i’m relaxed
and i trust everything
that is i am
present in this
here and now i relax into this
here and now
here and now
here and now
here and now
here and now
is all there is
relax into it
today i practice my devotion to self
my devotion to
changing thought patterns
to really doing the work
to let go of a tense
mindset and a tense life
i know that my life reflects that
and i am willing to foucs
focus on a life of ease
i know the contrast helps me
and it’s my choice to
jump fully into a life of ease
just feel it now
practice feeling it now
and it feels good
and i can just keep feeling it
and that’s all i can ever do
feel for the feeling of ease
the feeling of relief
so grateful
the answers are always right
here for me
when i ask for them