there’s nothing i cn do

but just get out of the way and allow
get out of the way and allow just watch and allow
that’s all i can do watch and allow
that’s all i can

what can i do nothing i cant do anything
just accept it just accept it say yes i feel this easy
yes i am annoyed at everything
yes i hate everyone and everything

yes all i want is to be left alone
yes i feel

idk i feel

nothing i feel nothing

i feel revolted
i feel disgusted i feel
grossed out i feel repulsed

i feel over it i feel so over it i dont know how to not feel oer it
but i dont want it to end i know i dont want that

i want to be happy and in love
and i know i can choose it i can choose it now

i can choose it now

i can choose love i can choose happiness i can choose
the flow the flow of life
flowing through me the flow of life flowing through me

the flow of life

i can choose it now by choosing what i look at i can choose it now
i can refuse to suffer i cn choose to refuse that feeling

that mindset knowing that if im suffering im

if im suffering im seeking becuse ineeds

needn’t seek when the wholeness of me
is right here its not outsie of me
i dont have to care id

i dont have to care i dont have to act i
dont have to care and i dont have to act

then what do i prefer
what do i prefer

i wnat to love i want to be having fun

i dont have to care about anything
even how i feel i dont have to care
i can trust the flow and know i can trust

how i feel i trust how i feel i trust
how i feel i

trust how i feel i trust how i feel

i trust how i feel
i can let it go

what would i want what would i want
in a perfect world

just to be left alone
to do whatever i want thwne i when i want to

ive had such a storng feeling
desire to be alone
to just be alone

i hate comeing here trying to make myself
feel something that id ont

that i dont

that i just dont feel
id ont eel anything i wish i did but i dont

i dont feel naything

i love that i dont care
i love that

dont care what happens i love that
i dont care what happens i love that
i cget to trust the felow

flow and know

i have to be careful what i wish for
i hve to be careful whta iwish
for because then ill get it and ill be

really sad

and now i dont even want to go i want to be in a
bad mood to sabotage the day
because i dont want to have fun i want to sabotage the day i want to have
a bad day i want to ruin everyone else sday so they havve a bad day too
so everyone has a bad time i want everyone to have a bad time
and the laugh

becaue i dnt want to go i dont want to go i dont want to be around it
the desparation
i cant seta
stand the sight of it any long er is

its not fun anymore ivim
over itit s
sa chore and its not fun

i want to enjoy my life what do i want istead

to sit aroudn on my balconty
in the sun
enjoying the morning enjoying my time
taking my time
laying around just laying around



i feel so mad and annoyed all the time
i feel so irritated and nothing is fun

nothing is fun
i ate hate all of it i hate everythong

everything and everyone
so mmcuh

i hate everyone i seriously hate everyone

and i dont know why

and i hate myself the most i hate myself
the most becaue i dont know why im like this and
i dont know how to change

i’m tired im tired ha
of hv

having to try to eno
enjoy life tor emebmer something
i knew so well
just says agod and now i
can t

can’t find i dan’t find any solcae
all i can find is hate and trust

i cant’ find the truth and i was goind
doing so well and feeling so good and now
i can’t i can t
and i dont know what to do im

im so sad and so mad
and i dont know why

all ican do is cut off my head
and watch

all i can do is cut off my head
all ican

i want to feel good i ha
i want to have fun

i want to enjoy life i want to enjoy life
i wantt o

to go to bed feeling good i want
to go to bed feeling good i will go wot be feeling good ia m

feeling good
becaue i truen dthe boat
im doing the work im doing thwoe
the work i m
doing the work to feel and good adn the more id othe work i
the easier it gets

if im suffering im seeking
if im suffering im seeking

i’m sad

i’m aad becaue i love someone