the only work is knowing myself
is remembering who i am remembering that i am the creator
and anything else i
fear or create is just that
my creation
and i can always choose to align with the version i prefer
that is all i can do is i want to see it
and what do i want really?
a feeling of being connected
loved appreciated
uplifted and i have that right here
what i seek is always right here and this
is the only place to find what i seek
within and when i turn within to feel
for what i seek i always find it and
when i find it i
am sated
i remember that i don’t need anything
from anyone and that i am already whole and complete
on my own
i remember to fill myself up
to love me to love me
right now and not
i don’t need anything
and i am
also trained
at turning my attention toward what i want
if i feel myself thinking about something i
don’t want i can c
just choose the other version and its that easy
and its true
i get to choose love and know that
love is the only feeling
love is the only feeling
i notice where my mind goes and
i don’t have to let it go ther
really i can put it somewhere wl
else i can put it where i choose
it’s easy to pick the mind up
and put it in a different reality
and then just perceive that reality
that easy just pick the mindup
and put it in the reality you prefer
i know this i know this is my power
i know i can do this i know this know
i know the power of me i know the power of me
i knowt h
i know i am the one and only crateo
creator and focus creates i know i am the one and only creator
and focus creates
i know i get to choose the reality
i prefer i get to feel good i get to feel good now
i get thoo
to choose how i feel ig et to choose
how i feel ig et to choose how i feel i love
thati know
this is my supply this is my supply
this is my supply connection is my cuppl
supply and if i’m looking outside of me
for connection it means its time to come
here come to center
and charge up i love remem
bering what it is to feel good to feel connected to
do the work to feel connected the work a
always work the
the works always works the work
always works the work always works the
work always works
the work always works
i don’t have to do there and its only
my projecting my own self criticisms
when i get to choose to feel good when i
get to know that i am a star
i am perfect how i am i get tocho
to choose that mindset i love that i know
its a mind set i love doing the only work
that matters
the only work that matters i love
that i feel so practiced i love that
i feel so practiced
i love that i feel good i love that
i am at peace with whatever is
i am at peace with whatever
i love feeling the feeling of feeling at peace
i love tuning in ai
i love my life as it is i love
the feeling of more relief i love that i can
choose relief i cn choo
can choose releif
i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused
i am laser focused i am laserfocu
focused on the version i prefer
not ever that
just things that feel good
if i’m going to be thinking
something over and over
let it be good!
i am so loved i am
so appreciated i am so loved i am so
appreciated and i can feel my
heart sing and i can feel that
worry or wonder or doubt
is an addiction and i don thave
to go there and the more i
turn my attention elsewhere
the easier it gets i know i am the
creator and i get to choose
the version
and just turn my attention wa
away from what i dont want
its that easy
dont want it dont create it
it really is that easy
and then just make the version you want
just make the version you want
just pick up yuoi
your mind
you center of perception and put it down
in the body living the version you perfer
and then you are it
that’s it
decide and it is i love that i get to feel the
relief of never having to wonder and just
feeling the feleing for what i want to feel
i love that it always comes i love that
it always comes and
i can always trust life and i can relax in that
feeling of trust i can relax in that knowing that
life isn’t acting against me
i am creating
all of it
i am creating all of it and i get to
choose the version i create.
i love feelig th
the feeling doing the work within
finding the connection i seek within
and not caring what happens becaue i know
because i know
who i really am
i know who i am really am
and its not a body
working for someone else
living to please them
either they are happy or not
not my job
i can feel good right now
no matter what and that is my power that is my supply
and i trust all things that ahp
happen and i send the signal of love
i love i love i love
i am perfect love i am perfect loe
and that’s all there is