this substance is my supply

i know this is the only work this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the nkowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my ife

through my consciousness of awareness
i draw into my mind and feling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is myy supply

i ant to i want to i want to feel good
i want to enjoy life right now i want to feel good now

i want to have a good day i want to be in a good mood

i want to be in a good mood i want to have good day i want to have a good day

i want to enjoy i love i

life i want to enjo life i want to allow the energy to flow through me
i want to like my life i want to love my life i

want to wake up feeling good i want to wake up feeling
good i want to wke up

feeling good and i know that ive been putting my sort

my value outside of me and i know that my worth

is not outside of me i know that my worht

is not in my doing but in my being and i love that i get to i love that
i get to i lovee that i

can always choose me first i love that iam brave enough to choose me

frist i love that i am brave enough to choose me first

so grateful i get to feel good now i get to do
me right now i’m doing me right now i know

i know what i need to do to do feel good
so grateful life shows me so gratful i nwo

so grateful i know i gte to choose me i get to choose
to feel good i get to

choose to feel good now i get

i know i know its only ever me i know its only ever me
i lovee that i get ti

to feel godo i love that i know that it always wocme
comes back around i love that i know that it

it always comes back around i love htat i know that

life always comes back aroudn i love that i get to feel good now

i want to love myi wife i want to love my wife i love
i want to love my life i

i want to love my wife i want to love my wife i want to l

love my life i want to enjoy my life

and i know that all i can ever do is live life for me
right now all i can ever do is be present in this here and now

all i can ever do is ease and flow

i know i know that my value is innate
i know taht my

i know that my value is in that iam i know that
god is

i know that i am

lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

is indivdidualized as me the reality of me

i know that my vlaue is in that i am

i love hat i now that

this i lovee that life ehlps m hlep sm e
helps me do the work i love that life hleps me focus i love that

i know the power of me and this work ehlps

helps me remember

so grateful i know im always getting what i want so
grateful i now life is always on my side

so grateful i remembered that i never have to prove my worth

so grateful i remembere i never have to prove my worth
so grateful to remember that
so grateful to do the work for me to remember who i am

to feel good now so grateful to sit
in my own house and just relax

so grateful to just sit and just be
so grateful to

to feel good now to be in a good mood
to just be and release the rest i know that i can always just be
right now and allow life to live me

i don tha

have to try i can al

just allow life to live me in every moment

i feel good now i feel good now i feel the

the feeling i feel the magick of life i feel ove
i feel

i feel ove in my life i can just be here a
now i can just say yes to everything that is

so grateful i remembered my value is in that i am
and i never have to prove it

so grateful i remember that i can just be that i am god
and i can jjust be i can always just be i love that
i know that i love that i

get to choose the feeling i love that i know its

always passes

i love that i know i love that i am the master of the feeling
and life always helps me remember gi

i love that i m’

i’m feeling like myself again i love that
i get to choose to feel like myself

i get to choose to have fun i get to choose to
feel good and i love that life helps me ask i love that

this work is always here for me i love that i know this wor is always here for me
i love that i know that life is my work i lovet hat i knokw

that the feeling is always

always here with me i love that i know that the
feeling is always here with me

i love waking up feeling good i love making the choice
i love that i can alays
make the choice to feel good i

can always make the choice to feel good