this work helps my well being

it helps me connect to who i really am to the
meaning of life to how life is usppose

supposed to feel supposed to feel.

t helps it helps m e remember who ia m

energizes me with the energy of god and
helps me remember the secret to life

i have foud the

the secret to lie and
to life and can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awrre
of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which
is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i feel connected to the knowledge
the power of me to the power of me
to the power of me

to the power of me to the power of me

to the power of me to the power of me
to the power of me

to the knowledge of me to the
of this right now to t

the divine frequency

the divine frequency

i feel the divine frequency and i come here
to remember it the feeling of no midn

the feeling of no mind the
feeling of no mind the feeling of now mind

the feeling of no mind

so grateful to feel the divine buzz
to feel the god self flowing
to turn my entire focus
within the entire focus within

the entire focus within
the entire
focus within the entire focus with

turn my entire focus within
turn my entire focus

within turn my entire focus within

i keep my mind and thoughts off thisw rodl
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

forever expressing it’s true nature of abundance
this is it’s responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of
this truth

i love doing this work i love
feeling the buzz i love feeling teh c

the certainty knowing its a feeling i love
knowing its a feeling i love that
i get to taop in

tap into the feeling tap
into that feeling tap into that

feeling tap into that feeling

tap into that feel focus focus
is all there is attention is all there is
when itcom

comes to creation
all that matters is focus and attention
in the m

present moment that’s the only thing you have to


and i love that i know this i love that
i know this

i come here to relax into the knowledge
to feel my power to feel the power of me to
feel the power of me

to feel the power of me to feel the power
of me to feel the power of me

i release resistance and drop into the flow
i drop into love and lust for life

i drop into the divine frequency
to the knoweldge that

miracles are always happening for me
to me through me knowing that life
is perfect i nthe flow

knowing that all that matters
is this very moment

grateful for this moment
for this here and now for this
flow for

this feeling this feeling of the flow
this here and now this here and now

this focus the focus on the divine frequency
that’s what this is
and it halp

helps bring the magick of life back into focus
andk now

i know that there is always something magaickal
so many magickal things in every oment
and i am so grateful for all of them

there is so much energy in every moment if you look for it
so much to celebrate so muc to be happy about!

i get to choose me i get to choose my
center i get to choose my center i get to take my
time doing what’s right for me

i don’t have to rush
i can relax at center and take my time
feeling my way to the divine buzz feelint the focus of the

buzz the catch of the divine buzz

i’m here i’m here i’m here
i can tune myself and

i can always turn the boat i can
always choose how i want to feel

choose how i want to feel i choose
how i want to feel

i tune myself i tune myself to
how i awnt t

want to feel i release anything that is not in the
divine buzz and i love that i’m
getting better and better at releasing resistant thoughts

i love seeing the effects of the practice
in everything i love that life is good i love
that life is good that
i get to decide to

that i get to feel the feeling that life
helps me get there that life helps me get there
that i get to choose me that i get to do it

in my time how i want to
that i get to choose me
that i get to

choose me

the divine buzz
i can always choose to feel it
it may seem hard

but it’s aways

always easy

its just a swithc
you have to not care about being right
only care about how you feel

only care

about how you feel the divine buzz
you’re either on it or you aren’t and that’s what
life shows you life shows you magic

when you’re

on the wavelength of it so
you have to choose to be on it always
or you won’t see it you’llmist teh

the magick in foront

front of you the blessings everywhere

so grateful for the blessings in every moment
and the ability to recognize them

to choose the divine buzz no matter what

to not get attached to any one thought
to just dro it

to get better and and better at dropping
to see the effects of the practice!

to know the effects of the practice and to want to
feel good becuse it feels good and it’s
the only answer to everyting

if you want it to be a different way
then feel for that version

create that versoin
and this is the work

grateful to do the work
to be awrae of the
feelings and choose

the divine buzz