to be here feeling the feelin

this is the work and no i don’t nee dit
but it feels good to do it and hw
who doesn’t whatn
wnat to feel good and there is no limit to how good you can feel

how much you can nknow
know the self the infinite self how
deep you can go into the infintie self and i’m so gald
glad i kno so grateful i know
i’m so grateful i know the infinite self
that i get to experience it that i get to be it
that i get to caallow

the infinite self to be here to
appear to be here now to be here in this momen t

grateful to be here feeling the feeling of life
tapping into life tapping

into the focus tapping into th

self the truth self teh released self

tapping into the self tapping into th i

the infinited self
the feeling of lfe

letting it all go and just caring about the
feeling the feeling before the rationnal mai

ind mind jumps back in

the foucs

focus of the self the fcous
focus of the feeling the focus
of the feeling the focus of the feeling

so grateful i get to feel it get to feel the enegy of


energy of life the truth ofl ife
get to feel the

truth of life the
the truth of life the truth of life

the truth of life the
truth of life the

truth of life a

the truth of lie the focus of the life ethe

energy of life and i get to feel it
get to feel cenetered centered in it get to feel it
get to feel the he

the eeling feeling here to feel the feeling
here to feel the feelingn

here to be the feeling

here to be the feeling i am the feleing ia m

ehre ad

here and now

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
celebrate life i get to feel good i get to feel the
energy of life flowing through mei gt to

pay attention i get to be on the

bus ige to be on the u
bus i get to let go fo

of the rest eh
the feeling i get to let go of the rst and just ride i get to let
go of the rest and just rice

ride i get to break through and that is the only work
i get to break through and that is the only work
i get to break through man

and that st
is the only work breakthing through

flipping the switch and that is all there is
all there is is
is the focus is the feeling s love is love is the momeont
is presence in the god self presence
and knwoing that i never have to won

wonder that it all reflects me and i
get to rejoice in get to

relax in the rapture

the raptitude

i am the energy of life ia m the love of life
and it is me i ge tto jump into the moment i love that
no matte w


what i am always right her eia

i can always fleip
flp the switch on or off and its that easy
its al

that easy to trun back to turn back to on and that’s
all life is that’s alll life is onn or of fa

off and i get to feel the feleing of on

i get to be here feeling the feeling of and i’m so grateful
i get to feel it get to celebrate it

so grateful i know the power of me that i can d

tune myself to the feeling of feeling good
that i can aways look for what i want and then it appears

just say wh you

what you prefer and it appears
i love that i know this i love that i knwot his

i get to choose and then it and that is
the only work

i know the work i know the feleing that
the feeling that is me that is always here with me
and there is no limit to my connection to it
i get to feel ti i
get to feel good i get to feel

in love with love i get to choose lust for life i gt to
choose lut forl ife
and it flows
through me

i get to choose it i get to choose the focus of it
i get to choose love i get to choose ot
let it go i get to choose to let everything go and
enjoy the magick of life

i get to choose it i get to release i get to eel

feel the release i get o relese myself it
to it to the feeling of to the flow of life
to the ease and l

flow of life i rel

release myself to the ase and
flow of life

i release myself to the ase and flow of life
i release myself

i release myself to the ease and flow of life
and i nkwo it sso easy
to get

to let go of everything and thn

then you can breathe i know that is the only work
and this is the only energy allowing breath to flwo through me

i am the on switch i am the on
switch and the on switch just asks

and it is given i love remembering that and
remembering that in an ymomre is

moment is the work is my only work
and i love that i knwo this tat i
i get to ccelebrate it that
i get to celebrate it i get o

celebrate being on
getting to choose i get to celebrate choosing
i get to celebrate choosing
i get to celebrate the choice

i am on i am in the on position i am
in the on


i love that i get to chosoe it an di’m
i’m here i’m on