it feels good to have a lazy
day to get to sleep in to appreciate my life sooooo much
to appreciate my wife soooo much to love this day
to know life is always working out for me to know
the truth of life to get ot have
fun where i am right now to always have more than enough to feel that
knowledge flowing through every part of me
to drink good coffee to always
have more than enough to love where ia m right
now to have
i love that there is always more than enough i love
that it’s all relative i love that life loves me i love
there’s a miracle in every moment
the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
therefor i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
totally confidnet
i love feeling the feeling of total confidence i love knowing
that it always comes and making the choice to never have to wonder or doubt
i love that the flow is always flowing through me i ilove that
i love that there is always more than enough i love that
there is always more than enough i love that
there is always more than enough
i love feeling the flow flowing through me i love
waking up feeling good i love that i can
always tune myself to the
vibration of me i love that i get to choose
where i am tuend i
i love feeling elevated i love feeling
tuned in tapped in turned on
by the flow i love feeling the flow
flowing through me i love feeling the flow flowing
through me i love feeling the flow
flowing through me i ilove
feeling the flow
i love feeling good i love feeling the
feeling of the flow flowing throuh me
i love that it always smells like weed arouond her
i love
i love that life loves me i love
i love life i love feeling the feelng of loving
life i love that life is good i love that
we made it i love that we get to celebrate i love thatl ife
is good i love that i know
i know that my only responsibility
is to be aware of this turht
i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appear as the
abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
i love feeling the feeling of magick the feeling
of the magick life flowing through me
andk nown t
and knowing that life
is meant to be nejoy
enjoyed and that i get to choose to enjoy this moment
right no wi love that this moment right now is so good i love that
its a good day and i get to just
SO GRATEFUL for this here and now
to feel good now to get to sleep in as late as i wnat
to enjoy life rightnow
and not later in life to
so grateful i already have
everything i need so gratefl
life loves me so much
so grateful my wife loves me SO MUCH
so gratefult o feel good for no reason to do this
work just to feel good even though i already feel good
to enter the here and now
to say THANK YOU
to the here and now
it feels good to say thank you for this
here and now for so
much to love to know there is always
more than enough it feels good
to know there is always
more than enough it feels good
to know there is always more than enough it feels good
to love life
the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
i love feelng good in my life
i ilove that i love where i lve i
wher ei alive
where i live i love that life loves me i love that life
loves me i love that there is so much to love
i love that life
is good i love that
there is so
much to love i love feeling
elevatedi love
i love feeling the resistance
fall w
i love feeling myself release resistance
and come to terms with my god self i love
making the choice to feel good now i love
that i feel good now i love that
i feel good now i love that life loves me right now
i love
that life is perfect right now
i love zooming out and remembering who i really am
focusing on the magick life
i love that i can laways
always focus on the magick of who i am
i love that i can always feel good
i feel good i feel happy i feel at ease
i feel knowing i feel
i feel wealthy i feel abundant and i nkow
that life is only ever a feeling i love
knwoing the
knowing the turht o
truth of life
celebating the
celebrating the truth of life
waking up feeling good for no reason i love
feeling good for no reason!!
i love that the bills are paid!!
i love looking for ways to use the magick i love
allowing the magick toflow
to flow to me i love a
allowing he mag
the magick to lfow to
to flow to me i love
allowing the magick to flow
to me i love that there is so much to love
i love
i love releasing resistance
i love doing this work and feeling
the true magick of my life flowing through me
i love knowing that in this moment
i don’t need a thing
that i already have it all!!